So, you want to turn the new guy on with flirty texts and make him chase?
Nothing overly seductive.
Just cute and flirty to get him to ask you out again or turn the heat dial up a few notches.
But you don’t want to annoy him or say something to push him away.
After all, you’ve not known him that long.
Maybe you’ve dated a few months or are just talking and haven’t even gone out yet.
My name is Orlando, I run this blog, as a guy, I can tell you we can get annoyed pretty easily.
That’s why knowing some of our key emotional triggers comes in handy.
And I’m here to help.
In fact, if you want to master the art of seduction to attract the new guy with flirty texts then click here for one of my favorite texting guides for women (it even includes videos).
And if you wish to master dirty texts then check out my review of Language of Desire by dating and sex coach Felicity Keith.
My Most Shared Flirty TextsPosts
Some of my most popular posts on InfidelityFirstAidKit.com relate to text messages women can send guys to get them to chase.
- Top 10 Flirty Text Messages to Make Him Chase
- 10 Kinky and Cute Text Messages to Make Him Chase
- 10 Sweet Romantic Text Messages that Emotionally Connect You to Him
- 10 Kinky, Sexy Text Messages to Turn Him on RIGHT NOW!
Grab 5 Free Flirty Texts Gifts
In fact, *sign up for my newsletter* and get 5 free text gifts including:
- 5 Secret Text Message Tricks to Get His Attention and Get a Response (eBook)
- 10 Flirty Responses to His Short, Boring Texts to Instantly Turn Him On (eBook)
- How to Get a Man to Respond to Your Texts and Chase You” (video)
- Flirty Interactive Text Conversation (interactive quiz and practice exercise)
- 3 Texting Mistakes You Make With Men and How to Fix Them (email series)
==>[Click here] to get my gifts and newsletter.
The key to winning with new guys (really any guys actually) with flirty texts is to believe you are the “prize-to-be-won”.
You gotta believe it.
Then practice it until you own that mindset.
When you do, you will be able to a) create mystery about you that he can’t resist finding more about, b) tap into his
instincts to want to be a hero and help you OR c) simply to have fun with him.
All of these serve as magnetic traits that make you irresistibly appealing and someone he’s more likely to want to spend time with.
We don’t want to invest time with a girl who’s too serious or has little that stands out about her.
Let me show you what I mean.
We will look at 10 categories of flirty texts in this post with copy-and-paste examples that you can send.
If you like this post and find it useful please share it on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Contact me with any questions.
Let’s go…
10 Flirty Texts to Send the New Guy
…and Make Him Chase and Hard to Resist You

1. Guessing Game
Get him to respond and turn him on.
The more compelling and attention-grabbing your texts, the more he’ll want to look at them.
And the more he’ll sit around in anticipation waiting for you to send texts, especially flirty texts.
“Guess what” questions bait him into responding and interacting, especially if he knows that you’re thinking about him.
- Guess what I dreamed about last night?
- Guess why I couldn’t sleep last night? 😉
- Guess what I’m thinking about right now?
- Guess where you’re taking me?
- Guess what I’m smiling about right now?
- Guess what sweetie…?
- Guess what I’m not wearing? (Sexy…)
- Guess where I just put my bra/panties? (…more daring and super sexy)
You could even tease him more by appearing to change your mind like you don’t want to tell him.
Text him “Nevermind. I’m too afraid to say/too shy to say.”
It’ll make him even more anxious to find out what you’re thinking.
2. Running Inside Joke/Story
Whether a flirty joke, moment or comment, bring it back up from a recent in-person interaction or text conversation.
Your goal with these flirty texts could either be to give him the green light to ask you out, just to have some fun, engage in conversation or set up an intimate or kinky moment next time you meet up.
Check out these possibilities.
- Elevator. 5 minutes. Let’s pick up where we left off last night. 😘
- You sure talked the big talk the other night. Let’s see if you can walk it tonight you devil.
- Were you checking out my “assets” out again?
- So, when are you going to complete your promise and take me to that wine bar?
- I’m still blushing handsome from what you said.
- Do you think anyone noticed our moment?
- What you said got me thinking.
- I caught you again.
- Decided today’s the day for that adventure. Meet me at the airport in an hour. Where do you want to go? (Here you just have some fun with him, you’re not actually serious about doing this.)
- So, I did it again? 🙄
3. Unspoken Secret
Allude to a question left unanswered or something that came up in a previous discussion.
Drop in some unexpected flirty texts in the middle of his day or at the end of the night.
- My fingernails and blouse weren’t the only purple things I wore tonight. 😘 (Referring to an innocent conversation you had with him about your favorite color. Don’t be afraid to turn it up a notch. If he likes you, he will follow suit).
- Any idea how much I fantasized about you after our date tonight?
- If I revealed the thoughts I have about you at work, I’d end up in the HR office.
- Nothing. (Referring to your private area’s “hairstyle”. I got this kind of text from an ex once referring to a discussion we previously had. A super turn on because of the delayed answer.)
4. Flirty Emojis and Math Equations
Fun and short.
Flirty emoji texts and emoji math texts express a lot in short spurts.
They work great for inside jokes too.
Talked about cuddling by the fireplace?
Send a fire and hug emoji.
🔥 + 🤗
Made out in the rain? Or talked about it?
Send an umbrella and lips emoji.
☔ + 💋
Discussed a getaway trip to the beach?
Suitcase and palm tree on beach.
💼 + 🏖
You get the idea.
Now check out these options to get your creative juices flowing.
Consider nicknames you made for each other or send reminders of a special moment you shared (first kiss, first date, first gift, etc.)
My girlfriend likes to bite my neck so I gave her the nickname “shark” (tiburón in Spanish) and I can act like a cat- one moment I want you around the next I want no one around.
So, she could send this…
🦈 + 🐈= 🍷 + 🍽🌙 (She’s inviting me to dinner and wine tonight).
You could use the same idea to give him the green light to ask you out.
Make it flirtier…
🍷+🥩= 👄 (Take me out for wine and steak and I’ll kiss you).
5. Romantic Secret Reveal
[*Question]: Do you like my flirty text advice? Then please check out my top-selling eBook for sale “The Text Goddess Scroll: Irresistible Copy-and-Paste Text Messages and Scripts to Make Him Chase You”, plus included bonuses!
These flirty texts reveal something you felt that turned you on during an in-person interaction with him.
- The way you touched my hand at dinner made me, umm, feel something. Never mind. (The “never mind” will drive him crazy. He’ll be even more curious to find out what you want to say.)
- Your eyes shined like little diamonds. I never stopped thinking about making out the rest of the night. (I got a version of this from a girl I met at a club once. Super cute text.)
- I normally don’t tell this to a boy, haha. I’m kind of shy. Hmm, never mind. Forget about it. (Wow!! NO guy could resist responding to that text).
- Do you know how many times I’ve stared at your adorable smile?
- Do you have any idea how close I came to bursting while gazing at your handsome face last night?
- If you made me wait any longer for that first kiss, I’d a burst into flames.
6. Flirty Powerful Assumption
These short flirty texts put you in control and turn him on at the same time.
Make up a scenario where he fantasizes about you.
Just make sure he knows that you’re teasing him and flirting at the same time.
- Hey! Stop thinking about me already! lol
- Why can’t you stop thinking about me? Lol
- So, how many times have you day-dreamed about my ass?
- You can’t stop thinking about making out with me, can you? Lol
- I see you stare at me a lot. What part do you like best?
- Try to resist checking out my breasts. Bet you can’t. (And so, now guess what he’ll try to do).
7. Funny Anecdote
Devise a devious, funny and fun, made-up plan.
Set the expectations that you know how to have a good time.
These are less flirty than they are fun, but yet some are SUPER flirty- as you’ll see.
You want him to see that you won’t always be serious and instead act spontaneously and maintain a “go with the flow” attitude.
These make for better back-and-forth text conversations rather than just one-shot deals.
But I want to keep things simple.
You’ll get the idea from this list of ideas and you can take it from there.
Let’s start with a list of pretend, made-up scenarios that you could bring up in a text conversation.
Out of context, these sound stupid and ineffective, but they work.
The concept works.
Read this list first then we’ll look at some example texts incorporating the scenarios.
- An escape plan to leave work, like a prison-break.
- Robbing a bank and getting rich together.
- Raising farm animals.
- Becoming shepherds or nomads.
- Ending up on a deserted island together.
- Locking yourselves up in a cabin in the forest of a snow-capped mountainside.
- Getting kinky in front of a high-rise upscale hotel room window.
- Leaving today on a get-away trip to some random place.
Now let’s look at some example texts with these ideas in mind.
Some of these will just start the conversation. The point is to get him involved and engaged in the fun.
- Hey?! I’ve got a clever breakout plan to escape this miserable workday. It involves drinks, laughs, maybe a few kisses and running all over town. Wanna hear it?
- I’ve got a plan to make us rich so we can finally start our farm in the countryside together and live the dream life.
- What would happen if we ended up on a deserted island together for a week? Would you behave or get naughty?
- You, me locked up in a cabin in the mountains with 5 feet of snow with a fireplace and plenty of wood. What happens?
- Let’s say we skip work tomorrow. Pack a small suitcase. Take a Lyft to the airport and choose a random destination to go for one night. Where do we go?
- Meet me at the airport in an hour. Where do you wanna go?
8. Direct Flirty Texts
Ever want to ask him for a date but fear coming off desperate?
It’s possible with these short flirty texts.
Most men find strong, confident women who know what they want and go get it sexy.
Furthermore, it makes us feel chosen and appreciated.
Of all the men who approach you that you could choose from you chose us and made it known without a shadow of a doubt that you want more with us.
Check these short flirty texts out.
Direct FlirtyTexts to Ask a Guy Out without Looking Desperate
- So, when are you taking me out handsome?
- I am so disappointed in you. (He asks why). Figured you’d take me out by now handsome.
- That new sushi place sounds amazing. Need someone to take me. Interested handsome?
- You sure know a lot about the trendy bars around town. When you gonna take me on a tour?
- I’ve been dying to go to (name of place you’d talked about with him). Why haven’t you taken me there yet silly?
9. Backward Flirty Texts
Getting his attention makes an easier transition to get the ball rolling on a new conversation.
And sending short flirty texts written backwards gets the job done.
You should always do your best to send texts that get a response or at least make him think.
In this case he will likely either ask what you said or he’ll figure it out and play along.
Take any of the short flirty texts from all the different text categories and flip them around backwards.
Either completely backwards letter-by-letter or just word-by-word.
- Em tuoba gnikniht pots! (Stop thinking about me!)
- Emosdnah seye ruoy era roloc tahw. (What color are your eyes handsome).
- Elims ruoy tuoba gnikniht pots tnac. (Can’t stop thinking about your smile).
- Uoy tuoba tsom ssim I tahw wonk? (Know what I miss most about you?)
- …tuoba gnikniht pots t’nac I (I can’t stop thinking about….)
In this last text I used a reverse text generator to flip the sentence around.
10. If I … would you …?
Test the waters, gauge how much he likes you with these irresistible short flirty texts.
Plus, gauge how much you like him from his responses.
Create hypothetical scenarios.
These give him the green light to flirt back with you.
They ease into the conversation which teases him and builds up sexual tension, thus leading him to miss you and want to see you soon.
Hypothetical Flirty Situations that Flip His Sexual Tension on Overdrive and Make You Irresistible
- Hey, good-looking, if I admitted thinking about you today would you mind?
- Hey sweetie, if I touched your hand would you pull away?
- Hey cutie, if I whispered a secret into your ear would you turn red?
- If I told you how handsome you are would you blush?
- If I kissed your cheek, would you be able to resist?
Thank you for checking out my post of flirty texts to make the new guy chase.
Please share on your favorite social media platforms.
And sign up for my newsletter to get your 5 free flirty texts gifts.
Sign up for my newsletter and get 5 free text gifts including:
- 5 Secret Text Message Tricks to Get His Attention and Get a Response (eBook)
- 10 Flirty Responses to His Short, Boring Texts to Instantly Turn Him On (eBook)
- How to Get a Man to Respond to Your Texts and Chase You” (video)
- Flirty Interactive Text Conversation (interactive quiz and practice exercise)
- 3 Texting Mistakes You Make With Men and How to Fix Them (email series)
==>[Click here] to get my gifts and newsletter.

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