Signs of Cheating: 10 Private Investigator Tips to Find Evidence Right Now

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have flocked to to learn how to find signs of cheating. Nobody wants to live a lie by staying with an unfaithful partner.

But before I reveal some techniques to help you possibly find hard evidence in the next 30 minutes, please do not jump to conclusions and do not make knee-jerk decisions to break up, separate, or get a divorce.

Think about it, these are not normal times, it could be quite understandable that your partner or spouse acts out of character.

But I am not your counselor so if you wish to find signs of cheating I want to provide you with the best possible simple techniques to get you answers.

For this post, I invited a private investigator who comes from a background of uncovering secrets of infidelity.

Eddy Russo owner of and private investigator learned from his father’s private investigation company how to uncover evidence of affairs and cheating.

In this post, you will discover techniques to apply as soon as you finish reading in which to look for possible legitimate clues.

I’ll let Eddie take it from here…

Deep Down Something Feels Off about Your Partner

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So, you are worried about an affair.

It’s a dreadful thought that is eating you alive.

It drives you to a point where you are craving answers, regardless of the outcome. 

Stay with me, I can help.

As a private investigator, I’ve dealt with infidelity, in all its forms. 

I’ve witnessed the kind of insecurity it provokes, which leads anyone to a natural, obsessive pursuit of the truth.

The good news is that, sometimes, finding an answer is easier than you thought it was.

In fact, today I’m telling you about 10 places anyone could go hunting for signs of cheating, at any time. 

Places where you are likely to find an answer. 

Disclaimer: Some of the following points suggest looking into someone’s laptop and phone. Please, always consider that, unless these devices are owned by you or co-owned with your spouse, unauthorized use may constitute a legal offense depending on your country’s laws and regulations. Therefore, I strongly advise against unauthorized use of anyone’s property.

Without further ado, let’s dive into it!

[Watch Slide Show] Signs of Cheating: Does Your Partner Do This…

(Slide Show) Where to Find Cheating Evidence by ©

10 Places to Find Signs of Cheating RIGHT NOW

1. Your Partner’s Car

Signs of Cheating: Private Investigator Tips to Catch a Cheater
Look in the car for signs of cheating. | Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A car is every cheater’s safe haven.

A place where a cheating partner can get intimate with a lover while bearing little risk.

A car is also a place full of narrow and hard-to-reach gaps.

Look for fragments of a condom wrapper under the passenger seat, a lipstick or an earring, hairties or similar objects not belonging either to you or to your spouse.

Not only that.

When passion explodes, preserving the car’s cleanliness is not exactly a priority.

Check for suspicious marks on the rear seats. 

These are amongst the most classic signs of cheating in a vehicle.

2. …Including the Trunk

Catch a Cheating Spouse: Find Signs of Cheating
Photo by Eddy Russo

Since you are here, open the trunk.

A new, regular practice of leaving a ready change of clothes in the car trunk is one of the most common signs of cheating.

You wouldn’t want to approach your new flame in sweaty work clothes, would you?

Getting ready for a secret appointment at home may raise suspicions. 

Check for deodorants and washed clothes, especially underwear. 

3. The Trash

Look in the garbage for cheating evidence. | Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I once had a client who had found a theme park receipt in the trash at home.

We later found that her husband had been dating a single mom with a child for months.

But why would he carelessly leave such incriminating proof in his own house?

Well, hiding an affair is close to having a full-time job.

Keeping up with the lies is mentally exhausting while hiding the physical evidence like receipts, texts or photos is incredibly time-consuming.

Laziness will eventually cause the unfaithful partner to leave signs of cheating in plain sight!

So, if they are convinced that you don’t suspect anything, they won’t fear throwing a crumpled receipt in the bottom of the trash bin.

You may retrieve old receipts in their wallet, bag, or clothes pockets too.

Look for fancy dinners, suspicious gifts, spa treatments, etc.

4. The Wardrobe

Check the closet for signs of cheating. | Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Even I was surprised at this.

Dozens of my clients ended up suspecting an affair upon detecting a recurrent extraneous scent on their partner’s clothes, among other things.

In fact, some perfumes can be passed on through physical contact and their scent can last up to 24 hours.

But there’s more.

Ever heard of a lover marking their territory?

Some lovers would do anything to prevail over the original partner. 

The excessive spraying of perfume is often a way to alert the unsuspecting spouse of an adulterous relationship.

Purposely marking the cheater’s clothes with lipstick is another commonly used practice to sabotage an existing relationship and became over time, amongst many signs of cheating, the most classic of all.

Hence, you’d better sneak into your partner’s wardrobe. 

It’s a good place to start to catch a cheater.

5. Bank Statements and Phone Bills

Find suspicious activity in bank statements and phone bills. | Photo by on Unsplash

Are you married?

If so, you have the right to know how the finances are handled. 

Gather recent bank statements and look for unexplained expenditures.

If you can, pull up your spouse’s credit report to look for new loans or unknown lines of credit.

Also, cash withdrawals on bank statements should give out a geographic location.

Do not forget to review phone bills, as you hunt for signs of cheating.

If you share a plan with your partner, obtaining their phone records should not be too much of a struggle.

Look for increased expenses and long, recurring conversations with the same number.

Instant Checkmate can help you find secondary secret phone lines and bank accounts linked to your partner’s emails (for US residents only).

Run a free basic background check with Instant Checkmate now.

6. Dating Apps and Hook Up Sites

Does your partner have any fake dating app profiles? | Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

Approximately 25% of all individuals have used or are currently active on dating services.

It’s huge.

A client of mine once came equipped with evidence of her husband being active on a dating site for ‘non-monogamous’ couples.

We later found out that he and his lover had been looking for other adulterous couples to have fun with.

Want to know if your significant other is using dating apps?

There is a way!

It’s efficient but time-consuming.

Simply download the most popular matching apps in your local area.

Create a fake profile and set the geographical distance to the minimum, that way you’ll be presented to users that are very close to your location.

If your partner is there, it’s just a matter of time until he/she shows up.

The same is valid for hook up sites. 

For a faster way to find your partner’s dating app profiles and hook-up sites run a free basic background check with Instant Checkmate. (for US residents only).

They’re linked to his/her emails too.

7. Social Media

Can you find any secondary social media profiles? | Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

If you suspect an affair, I’m sure you’ve done your due diligence.

However, stalking your husband/wife’s social media isn’t likely to provide you with tangible signs of cheating.


Well, cheaters are known to use secondary social media profiles to live and maintain their secret second lives.

Now, the question is:

How can you find your partner’s secondary account?

For Instagram, on the login page, enter each one of your partner’s emails or phone numbers to your knowledge and type a random password.

If an account exists, Instagram indicates that the password is incorrect. If an account doesn’t exist, Instagram specifies that no account is associated with that email or phone number.

The same is valid for Facebook through the ‘forgotten account’ option.

Of course, Instant Checkmate can help you find this too if this technique does not work out.

What are you waiting for?

Run a free basic background check report with Instant Checkmate and find out within minutes. (for US residents only).

8. Internet Browser 

Check internet browser history on mutually owned computers. | Photo by Caio from Pexels

It’s time for an excuse.

Make something up so you can use your partner’s laptop for a short period of time.

The Web history should be your primary target.

Before you embark on this snooping activity, compile a list of popular hook up services in case you stumble upon them. 

A careful cheater will certainly delete incriminating searches, but will he/she bother getting rid of auto-fills and Google autocomplete predictions?

Open their browser and type every single letter of the alphabet in the search bar. You’ll see historic searches. 

Also, before you close the laptop, have a quick look around in the trash folder. 

Any signs of cheating yet?

The best is yet to come.

9. Emails

black and gray digital device
Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on

A potential goldmine.

However, accessing someone’s private email account without permission is unlikely to be a lawful act and may have legal consequences. 

If you think the juice is worth the squeeze, proceed.

Look for digital receipts, suspicious subscriptions, or newsletters and intimate conversations with strangers. 

Don’t forget to check the junk folder and archived messages. 

Unfortunately, as for social media, unfaithful spouses are likely to have multiple email accounts to hide obvious signs of cheating.

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for someone to have up to 5 email accounts. 

Your best bet to find some of them would be through a password manager:

On Mac, open ‘Keychain’, click on ‘Login’ -> ‘Password,  and type ‘@‘ in the search bar. 

Non-Mac users mostly use ‘Chrome password manager

Open Chrome -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘Password’. All existing emails are shown under ‘username’.

What about secret email addresses that you don’t know exist?

Truthfinder might be able to find those too.

Then you could run those through a background check and discover hidden dating app profiles, social media accounts, properties, friends’ names of their lover, bank accounts, and more.

Run a free basic background check report now on Instant Checkmate. (for US residents only).

10. WhatsApp Web

Check WhatsApp Web | Photo by Eddy Russo

Ever heard of WhatsApp Web?

It allows you to use WhatsApp on a computer by scanning a QR code.

Google WhatsApp Web on your PC, get ahold of your partner’s phone for a few seconds and scan the QR code.

Voilà, you have your partner’s WhatsApp on your computer.

Once again, consider that you are invading someone’s privacy and are probably committing a legal offence. Ask yourself: Is it worth it?

Also, watch out for this:

If your spouse owns an iPhone, between 19 and 59 minutes after the WhatsApp Web login, they will receive an alert on their phone that WhatsApp Web is in use.

Log out within 19 minutes to prevent that from happening.

On some of the newest Android devices, it is possible to permanently disable the WhatsApp Web alert notification.

Go to ‘Settings’ -> ‘App Management’ -> ‘WhatsApp’ -> ‘Manage Notifications’ -> ‘Other Notifications’ and disable ‘Allow Notifications’.

Conclusion to Find Signs of Cheating Today, Right Now!

Search concluded.  

If you failed to find undeniable signs of cheating, well, that’s good news!

However, chances are you stumbled upon something out of place or that you could not explain.

Don’t panic.

It does not necessarily mean that your spouse is unfaithful.

There could be dozens of legitimate explanations for a secondary Facebook account, a dinner receipt or a stranger’s hair-tie in your partner’s car, just to name a few.

Taken individually, these signs have little to no meaning.

Catching a cheating spouse is like solving a jigsaw puzzle, you need all the pieces.

So, if your gut is still giving you a bad vibe, keep digging and you’ll find more.

Good luck.

Author: Eddy Russo from

Find Signs of Cheating

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