Digital cheating has gotten out of control in the modern era. I know firsthand because it’s how my ex-cheating wife communicated with her long-distance lover. With the rise of technology, people have found new ways to cheat on their partners or deceive others. Whether meeting strangers for sex or making plans secretly with their side piece at work. From online dating apps to social media, digital cheating has become more accessible than ever before. But how do people cheat digitally and hide their activity? And can you find the clues to get you the truth of their affair?
A common way people cheat digitally is through online dating apps. These apps allow people to meet and connect with others, even if they’re in a committed relationship. People may create fake profiles or use apps like Tinder to hook up with others without their partner’s knowledge.
To hide their digital cheating, people may use a variety of tactics. They may clear their browsing history or use incognito mode to browse the internet. They may also use secure messaging apps or create secret email accounts to communicate with their affair partner.
Let’s explore some more ways people cheat digitally and some ways you might find the clues they leave behind.
Affiliate Disclosure: Some links on this post are affiliate links. I stand by what I recommend to help you catch your potentially cheating partner, and at the same time, I could earn a commission for product or service purchases through these links.
10 Ways People Cheat Digitally and Hide Their Affairs and Sexual Relations
1. Text Messages
Text messages are one of the most common forms of digital evidence left by cheating partners. Whether it’s flirty messages, explicit photos, or incriminating conversations, text messages can be a goldmine of information for the betrayed partner.
Want to know who the strange phone number belongs to? [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service. Let them scour the internet for hidden secrets about your possible cheating partner.
2. Social Media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made it easier than ever to connect with people outside of our immediate circle. Cheating partners often use social media to communicate with their lovers, and their activity can leave a trail of evidence behind.
Is your partner “liking” and commenting on too many photos and videos of the same person? Are they micro-cheating and not realizing they’re going too far? People may engage in inappropriate chats, exchange suggestive pictures, or even create fake profiles to hide their identities.
What many people don’t know yet about photos on social media accounts is that you can do reverse photo searches of your cheating partner and find them. It won’t matter that he/she creates a secret account that you don’t know about yet. I’ve done this with my ex and found photos of her with her lover on vacation dated during the time we were married. She said she was home visiting family and lied about her whereabouts.
Once you find these pics you then know the account.
If they have blocked your social media accounts you can simply create your own fake accounts with fictitious names that he/she hasn’t blocked and check out his/her activity. You may have to use a made-up account to do the reverse photo lookup.
Want to find these photos easier and faster or even find the ones you cannot? [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service.
3. Email
Email is another common form of digital evidence left by cheating partners. Like text messages, emails can contain incriminating conversations, explicit photos, and other evidence that suggests infidelity. In some cases, they won’t even send each other messages. They can simply create a mutual account to share and then sign and from there create drafts of messages. This avoids the risk of notifications popping up on phones or emails appearing in a list of messages with you, their innocent partner accidentally seeing them.
Not sure if they have any secret emails he or she is using to communicate with his/her lover? [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service. If his/her name is connected to an email or phone number this service could possibly find it.
4. Dating Apps
Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble are designed for people who are looking for love, but they can also be used by cheating partners to find new partners. A quick search through a partner’s dating app activity can reveal a lot about their intentions. If you suspect that your partner is using a fake dating app you can apply the same strategy discussed above finding fake secret social media accounts using reverse photo searches.
Not sure if he/she has a secret dating app profile? [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service. If his/her pic, email, phone number, or address is connected to a secret dating app then this service could possibly find it.
5. GPS Tracking
GPS tracking apps and devices can be used to monitor a partner’s location, but they can also be used to catch a cheating partner in the act. If a partner’s location doesn’t match up with their story, it could be a sign of infidelity. If you own the phone that your spouse or partner uses then you can upload a spyware app such as Mspy to track their GPS locations. [Click Here] for more info on Mspy. (*Be aware of your local laws in regard to uploading spyware on other people’s devices. Do not break the law).
6. Browser History
A partner’s browser history can reveal a lot about their online activity. If a partner is visiting dating sites, or conducting questionable activity such as visiting sites for buying gifts that you never receive or sites for booking reservations or buying tickets for events, flights or hotel stays that you never hear about later it could be a sign that your partner is cheating.
If you are really brave and do not fear running the risk of getting in possible legal trouble then if you can get access to his/her laptop or phone you could find his stored passwords for suspicious websites or apps. On a browser just look at the settings and passwords. On a phone, find the password-storing app (they might have more than one). You might have to check both the browser and password-storage apps because he/she might update a new password on only one and not all at the same time.
If you don’t have a way to search their browser history then you can possibly turn to the spyware app Mspy to upload to their phone to find your answers. [Click Here] for more info. (*Be aware of your local laws in regard to uploading spyware on other people’s devices. Do not break the law).
7. Cloud Storage
Cloud storage services like Google Drive, iCloud, and Dropbox can be used to store incriminating photos and videos. If a partner is using these services to store evidence of their infidelity, it could be discovered by their partner.
Again, if you feel comfortable using a spyware app like Mspy then you could access their cloud storage. *Be aware of your local laws in regard to uploading spyware on other people’s devices. Do not break the law).
8. Phone Records
Phone records can reveal a lot about a partner’s communication habits. If a partner is calling or texting someone frequently, it could be a sign of infidelity. Even if they attempt to spread out the frequency of their texts and calls you could export the call and text log as a spreadsheet to your device and then conduct a search for any numbers that look suspicious. (“Command + F” on Macs and “Shift + F” on Windows laptops)
Think he/she might have a secret phone number and a separate cell phone to communicate with his lover? [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service. If it’s not a burner phone, then if his name or address is linked to any other phone account then this popular service might just find it for you.
9. Financial Transactions
Financial transactions can also be a source of evidence for cheating partners. If a partner is spending money on gifts or hotel stays for someone other than their partner, it could be a sign of infidelity. Or maybe he purchases burner phones to communicate with his lover. Also, the two may have a mutual savings or checking account, credit card, or even property. Think about it, your wealthy partner could purchase a condo or rent an apartment to meet up with his/her lover. Running a background check and public record search could reveal these secret accounts. [Click Here] to run a background and public records check with this popular service. Any email connected to their name or any emails you know of that are connected to these secret financial accounts or properties could pop up on the background report. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
10. Computer Activity
A partner’s computer activity can reveal a lot about their online behavior. If a partner is visiting dating sites, chatting with strangers, or engaging in other questionable activities online, it could be a sign of infidelity. Simply searching “trash bins”, downloads, and strange-looking folders can uncover possible cheating behavior. Photos would be a likely thing to find.
BONUS: WhatsApp
Let’s say your cheating partner anticipates in advance that you might see their call logs on their phone records then they could just use WhatsApp. You’d have to access the app on their phone (or laptop or tablet) to find them cheating on you. Of course, what they don’t know, is you could access their WhatsApp account remotely from your own device with the help of Mspy. [Click Here] for more info on how this popular service can look at his/her WhatsApp activity. (*Be aware of your local laws in regard to uploading spyware on other people’s devices. Do not break the law).
In conclusion, technology has made it easier than ever for cheating partners to leave a trail of evidence behind. By paying attention to these 10 digital forms of evidence, betrayed partners can gather the information they need to confront their cheating partner and move forward with their lives.
However, technology is also being used to catch digital cheaters. Unfortunately, I know this from firsthand experience with my ex-wife who cheated with her long-distance lover. Some people may even hire private investigators to catch their cheating partner.
Ultimately, digital cheating can have serious consequences, including the breakdown of relationships and the loss of trust. It’s important, to be honest, and transparent in your relationships and to communicate openly with your partner about your needs and concerns. When those needs go unmet it opens the door to looking elsewhere. Sometimes just being at the wrong place at the wrong time can lead even good people with good intentions to start affairs, even if just emotional affairs.
Want to Find Evidence of Cheating In or Around the Home?

[Click Here] to get more information on my two free eBooks Top Cheating Spouse Report and 75 Warning Signs of Cheating Partners