So you want to catch your cheating spouse because you suspect they are having an affair?
It’s an awful feeling to be cheated on, to experience the loss of being abandoned and betrayed. The worst part is you don’t actually have proof, but you just know they’re up to no good.
We talked about 7 ways a cheating spouse hides their secrets. Now you want to learn how to catch your cheating spouse in their tracks and it will involve waiting for them to make a mistake.
All cheaters get tired of the lies and the second life.
Eventually, they slip up and that’s when you catch them. Your objective is to make life difficult to cheat and create as many opportunities to help make them screw up.
Just one warning.
Be mindful of circumstantial evidence.
You must have strong evidence or get your unfaithful husband or wife to confess to their affair.
Only then will you begin to have peace of mind that you can move on with your life.
If you’d like to discover WHO they’re cheating with, check out how to find out who their lover is here (with a thorough background check to find out who they’re talking to). But please only do so if you can handle the scary truth. Possibly even find photos of them together posted on social media.
Or find out how to decode their strange micro cheating behavior here.
7 Tips to Catch Your Cheating Spouse

1. Make excuses to enter bathroom while your spouse is texting their lover
If your spouse can pretend to have to use the restroom you can pretend to need to get inside too. Catch them in the act. Watch them squirm as you barge in. Watch as they scurry to close out the text conversation. “So what’s bothering you honey?” They might even leave the conversation on their phone while in haste to put their phone down.
2. Make an excuse to call them at work or stop by
So they claim to work late tonight. Why not make an excuse to stop by with food or any reason, just be creative. The thing is your spouse won’t be there to receive your surprise meal. “How was work honey?” Watch them squirm as they make up a lie.
3. Become unpredictable
The cheating spouse needs to hide their tracks and the best way to do that is to avoid predictable patterns. As it turns out the best way to force your wayward spouse’s hand is to be unpredictable yourself. Send texts and call them at different times of the day.
There are only so many times they can make the excuse to not answer you. Furthermore, be sporadic enough and your wayward spouse may accidentally text you instead of their lover. Gotcha!
4. Use varying questions to ask the same thing- Catch them in a lie
Police come back to ask the same questions over and over to see if their suspect changes their story. Ask the same question in different ways and you just might get them to slip up.
5. Make an excuse to stop by the same place your spouse claims to run an errand
Your unfaithful husband or wife wants to claim she is thinking of the family, but that’s just the cover story to escape and participate in her affair.
6. Know their friends, remove excuses to run off with their lover
To say they are hanging out with their friend will be difficult if you personally know that friend. If their friend is always obtainable to you then your spouse cannot hide behind them as easily. Furthermore, treat them well and they may help you in the future. The guilt of knowing their friend is cheating on you may weigh too heavily one them, then they may just reveal the secret to you.
7. Trap them with their own phone
Cell phones hold more secrets than any other device. This is how I caught my wife cheating. Give them the opportunity to text their boyfriend or girlfriend, preferably while watching a movie on the couch or in bed.
When they fall asleep they will leave their phone unattended and forget they were having a conversation. Now you make the excuse to use their phone. Using their phone to take a picture is a great, believable excuse.
Wanna be an expert at catching someone in a lie? Study lie detecting and body language techniques. There are great books out there written by ex CIA agents and police investigators.
Again your job is to make life difficult for your spouse to cheat. Create traps in which to catch them in the act.
Your Opinion on how to Catch a Cheating Spouse
How have you tried to catch your cheating spouse in their lies?
Share what you’ve done at the bottom of this page below the “Related Articles” section. Be the first to leave a comment and receive the free download, “10 Ugliest Relationship Killing Traits“. It’s not your fault he/she cheated. You may have married a dud. Does your spouse have any of these characteristics?
I been in a relationship with someone for 2 years and I believe she’s cheating on me and it’s hard to get a confession.she text and jump when I enter the room and change screen. how do I get the truth??
It’s tough when you feel your partner getting cold emotionally. What you describe sounded like my ex and the person for whom I launched this site. She would get real protective of her phone. It won’t be easy to get a confession as who really wants to come out and admit they cheated. So either continue to look for evidence by following the advice from my blog posts. If you are concerned about continuing in the relationship then you should have a heart-to-heart convo with her about how she’s been feeling cold emotionally and how she feels about your relationship together. If you’re concerned about her just admitting that she is cheating and not just trying to weasel her way out the relationship without at least admitting to why she wants out then again try some of the tips from my site. Cross reference some pics of her online to see if some social media photos pop up with her and someone else. Look through her posts to see if she comments or tags someone else. Or even check her friends posts to see if she pops up there. If you find some social media pics via an image search try to figure out whose account they’re published on. If your account is blocked from it then create another FB or IG account with a fake name to sift through their account (assuming they allow anyone to see the info and photos). If you can pin down a name of someone then sift through their account and even find out what the possible link is to them and your partner (work, ex, gym, etc). BUT ABOVE ALL keep your emotions in check because finding out your partner is cheating can bring us to anger and make us do things that later we regret. Stay safe, please. Sooner or later you will find out the truth. Cheaters get lazy and cannot cover all their tracks.
For 2 years i was going through the pain of my husband cheating on me… i see him openly talking about making out with other females.
it was really depressing
How can I get into his phone when I don’t know the password? I can prob go to his room n sneak it maybe but I had a pyschic confirm it for me
So now I have names dates ect. But he hides all visa n bills ect at work. We don’t share bank acct n I don’t know any of his passwords for his work phone. Maybe I shld put a camera in his truck any ideas. I live in Canada so need to purchase here
Hello, thank you for leaving a comment. First, know that it’s against the law (at least here in the US) to enter someone else’s phone. But I’ll ask is the phone always in the truck? And what info are you looking for?
You can expose them at https://www.cheaterboard.com/
Hi iam a south african lady and i need help
Hello, please tell me what’s going on…
I’ll approve your commment, but posting to a cheater board site such as this brings high risk lawfully, physically just to mention a few for both people involved in the relationship.
I found out that she cheating after I have use her phone and after I check her messages. She wrote a message and asking the guy to be ready she will be spending weekend with him she is looking for good sex
That is very similar to the message I found on my ex-cheating wife’s phone. It’s hard for us men when we discover our women have cheated. There are many reasons that could explain why married women cheat. Why do you suppose that she did?
My wife she cheating in me and don’t want to have sex with me she always on the phone and every month she miss her parents and fighting me that I don’t want her to go home.
My phone sends a message when my husband uses his credit card at lunch. The $ was higher than usual, so I texted and asked who he was dining with. He sent a picture of his friend. Out of boredom, I blew up the picture and saw a reflection of him with another woman.
Wow! That’s the first time I heard of catching a cheating spouse like that. Do you have any other evidence that he was having an affair with this woman? If so, was the friend that he sent a pic of covering for your husband’s alibi?
It was a pic of the friend, who had sunglasses on his head. I enlarged the sunglasses and there it was in the reflection. He denied it and said the woman was at a different table. It was very clear he was with someone and his arm was around her. Other than that and strange behavior, I had no other evidence of cheating. I don’t know what made me even think to look at it that close. Technology usually helps cheaters but it bit this one! It wasn’t visable until I enhanced it.
Eventually technology works against cheaters. They cannot continue to cover their tracks forever. They get lazy. Do you feel that he still cares about you?
Sorry to hear that. How did you find out that she was cheating?
He shows that he does, every day. The cheating though definitely makes me wonder if he really does.
I am assuming that you are looking for more evidence since you came to this post on my blog about finding cheating evidence. What kind of evidence have you looked for? And if you found it how would you confront him about it?
My ex husband was really piece of shit.. he cheated on me with our neighbor,, he was not clever enough and started acting suspicious, i had to take extra steps and risks to get more information if my suspicion was true.. i used different spy apps to find out, i did find out and got all the valid information to file a divorce.. i divorced his stupid ass and now i am happy .. if you are in such situation, i advise you to take such steps just to be happy and rest assured.
I have found a lot of evidence, but nothing concrete. Because I’m told it’s illegal to go thru his phone. He lies about everything. Can you please tell me what spy app you had success with? I am sick of his shit.
Well, it can be illegal depending on your jurisdiction. But if you own the phone that he uses than it likely is not illegal. As far as the app and other ways to catch him cheating digitally you can check out this blog post of mine
Few years ago I came across my husband’s habit of cheating on me. I was devastated and begged him not to continue. A year ago I found out about his repeated infidelity. He actively sought and pursue relationships with multiple women. I was deeply crushed and tired of his infidelity act, I went for a therapy to find a way to gain his heart but all effort was proven abortive I had to file for divorce so I could live a peaceful life and that’s exactly what I got.
i think it is essential to be organized in your search. Create a plan and stick to it. Cover your tracks while investigating. Only confront when you have proof positive of the affair. Never give up your sources of information. (Don”t give him the opportunity to clean up his tracks).
Don’t fall into the trap of eliminating any issue that you feel “he would never do that to me”
Don’t do anything that makes you feel bad about yourself.
Well let me just say my husband was an idiot when he started cheating with this girl or should I say Facebook W**re!! She posted everything on Facebook. But he denied and denied and denied until D-Day. I place a recorder in our room and not even 15 minutes after speaking with him, he was dialing her.
Wow! She posted everything on FB? Like what kinds of things did she post? And what kind of recorder did you place in your room? Was it voice-activated?