Tired of attracting wrong men?

Catching the wrong fish?
You’re not asking for much.
You just want a confident, successful, decisive, (perhaps he tends to dress in designer suits), romantic, thoughtful, caring, empathetic, (oh, yeah, handsome- ok, maybe with an Eastern European look), available, NOT MARRIED, man with little to no baggage.
(OK, so that’s a little silly to expect that I know).
And let’s face it. You’ve met guys with some or many of those traits.
BUT something always seems to go wrong.
Does This Sound Familiar (at all)?
You’re a busy woman in your 30s or 40s still wondering how to attract the right guy for you.
You thought you met the right one, got married, had kids, then found out after 10 years of marriage he still wants the single life.
Yep, one day you caught him on Facebook cheating with the 20 something hot (but attention crazed) intern at the office. And that wasn’t the first round of his cheating adventures. You discovered later things happened “offline” too.
OK, maybe that didn’t happen to YOU in particular. (God, I hope not. It HAS happened to plenty of other women who visit my site, though.)
In your case, you just simply haven’t met Mr. Right yet. Maybe once you met the muscular, hot guy at the supermarket who runs his own gym. You both hit it off for a several months with off-the charts chemistry- just to find out later you aren’t compatible as a couple.
Then you dated a few decent men here and there you met online. Spent some pretty romantic evenings with some well-intentioned, well-to-do men at some lavish, high-end restaurants at the top of fancy hotels with electric downtown views.
But sparks never really flew.
Whatever your situation you lived though, you are tired of attracting wrong men and wonder whether it’s a question of “if” you will meet a compatible man who will commit to a long-term fulfilling relationship- as opposed to “when“.
[Read related article: Why Women Fear Love: [Evan Marc Katz Tips] to Believe in Love again]
“So am I Attracting Wrong Men?”
I came across some blog posts many months ago from a dating coach Evan Marc Katz, who primarily coaches women in their 30s and 40s, that caught my attention.
He offered authentic, empathetic advice to his female readers (NOT the cookie cutter, whatever-sells-books advice, you see in many blogs and ebooks).
I’m not sure what it is, but I really care how women feel. I seem to enjoy conversation with women more than men. Women seem more capable of engaging in deeper discussions, more than just small talk.
So I kept reading Evan’s posts until I finally decided to read one of his ebooks “Why He Disappeared”.
I wrote to his team asking to review a copy of it. They sent me one.
If you’d like you can read the review here. (It currently ranks high in Google for a few of the “Why He Disappeared” search terms.)
In this post, though, I unveil a list of some of Evan Marc Katz ‘s reasons for why you’re attracting wrong men.
AND at the bottom of the list I provide a way to see (well, see and hear) how he suggests to start finding the right guys too.
Or you can read my review of Evan’s popular book “Why He Disappeared” to learn why men connect with women or repel them in the first date or in other phases of relationships.
Who this Post BENEFITS
These tips aren’t for everyone. You may not handle Evan Marc Katz ‘s way of challenging you.
Does this describe you?
- You maintain a busy schedule between work and activities with friends (gym, spa, lunches, traveling, etc.).
- Many men approach you, but either the ones you don’t like or just a bunch of players.
- You go on a lot of dates, but don’t seem to meet men who want to commit to a relationship.
- And have tried meeting men in many different ways, but you’re open for new ideas.
- Probably you prioritize men who you can both respect and desire.
- Your desire is to feel like men understand you well, but want you feel you have a lot to learn too.
- You’ll take steps to increase your success with dating men [not just sit back an watch].
- And absolutely you want to stop attracting wrong men and learn how to find someone compatible with whom you have chemistry.
Who Should STOP Reading this Post Right Now!
If this describes you below than you have no reason to keep reading.
- You know everything you think you need to know about men.
- Maybe you’d just rather wait until the right man for you comes along [and not do anything]..
- Perhaps you don’t want a long-term relationship, just date them (no strings attached).
- You are NOT open to new ways to find Mr Right because you have other more important priorities on your schedule to focus on than dating right now.
5 Evan Marc Katz Blogs that Answer that Question in Your Head, “Why do I keep Attracting WRONG Men?!?”

Not finding the right guy for you?
I hand-picked each of these Evan Marc Katz blog posts. I weeded through dozens until I found the ones I felt best answered the question above in the title.
1. How Do I Get Him to Want to Be My Boyfriend?
One of Evan’s readers has been seeing a guy who she’s sleeping with. Of course, she wants more than sex, she wants him to commit be exclusive. And, yes, as you guessed it, he only wants a “booty call”.
So she got more than she asked for. She fell for him. He tells her they are just “casual” daters. And now she feels stuck in the middle. They both have one foot in and one foot out, but she wants both feet in.
She asks Evan for advice and he lays it on heavy.
Click here to read the post to see what Evan suggests her to stop attracting wrong men.
If you like Evan’s advice than subscribe to his email newsletter at the end of the post.2. How Can I Stop Men From Playing Games?
I’m guessing most women relate to this post. And based on the 195 left comments (current tally) by readers I guess this visitor’s email struck a nerve.
The situation is nothing new. Woman meets man. They hit it off. She wants a boyfriend. He backs off. She stops sleeping with him and starts to date other men.
He (as predicted) gets jealous. Pretends to SUDDENLY want a relationship. Then seeks to spend time during the holidays. When she doesn’t return his calls right away, he stops by the house.
Evan’s advice will FLOOR YOU.
He actually explains how men do NOT play games. (Yes, read that right, NOT play games.)
If you like Evan’s advice than subscribe to his email newsletter at the end of the post.3. Why Does Everyone Else Seem to Settle Down But I Can’t?
I have to admit this one ringed a tear out of my eye. Being a man who considers himself romantic and who met, who he thought, was his soulmate just to have her cheat on him (it’s the main reason I started this website), I certainly feel for women who struggle to find true love.
So when reading posts that offer solid advice for women sick and tired of dating and attracting wrong men, who just want someone to take relationships as seriously as they do, I just want to share the wealth of advice.
Here’s a perfect example of when chemistry exists, but compatibility does not. You meet the guy who creates emotionally sparks in you, but doesn’t share the same long-term vision you do.
This reader dates a man for 2 years. She (like many of you) wants marriage and a family. She values love and commitment.
He goes back to his home country to tend to his sick father. She waits 10 months for his return. When he comes back he informs her he is NOT ready for marriage. It scares him. (Why does this sound familiar, you’re thinking, right?)
Find out what Evan suggests she do. Read the article here.
If you like Evan’s advice than subscribe to his email newsletter at the end of the post.4. How Important Are Common Interests in a Relationship?
OK. I love this article!
This one wins points for both men and women.
And now I’ll cut right to the most important line in this Evan Marc Katz blog post.
And I quote…
“Common interests have NOTHING TO DO with compatibility.”
Right from Evan’s mouth.
This reader emails in mentioning how she’s the artistic type and she’s been falling for similar artistic men, but she’s confused about something she read in his book “Why He Disappeared”.
She remembers reading how Evan suggests men do not want to date a woman who is just like himself.
So as you can imagine she directly asks him does that mean she should not date men who share the same interests she does.
Evan clarified what he meant in the book.
Read his advice about the importance of “having things in common” here.
If you like Evan’s advice than subscribe to his email newsletter at the end of the post.5. If Some Doomed Relationships Succeed, Couldn’t Mine?
This article coincides with my site more than the rest.
To Wait of the Cheater to Change OR to Move On?
Evan’s reader admits to her unfaithful man of 4 years, but confesses her weakness-at-the-knees for his handsome looks and cupid-like archery skills that make her heart go “pitter-patter”.
This long-time Evan Marc Katz blog reader asks if exceptions exist to wait on a cheater or not.
What I find more helpful than anything else are the comments the readers leave.
Check out the article here AND do NOT miss the insight comments after it.
If you like Evan’s advice than subscribe to his email newsletter at the end of the post.And so…I do want to stop dating wrong men. Now..How do I Meet the Right Guy? [FREE VIDEO]
“Discover How Chemistry and Passion Have Always Led You Into the Wrong Relationships… And How To Get The Man You’ve Always Wanted Instead…”
Evan’s team extended me the opportunity to highlight a free tool to help you succeed in finding the right mate for you.
[FREE VIDEO] Click to play the introductory video on next screen. Then fill in where you want to receive the [free video] that thousands of other women world-wide have viewed.
(OR go check out my review of “Why He Disappeared” and read about an in-depth way to stop attracting wrong men and how to find the right one.)
(OR go read my review of “Believe in Love” and learn how to build your confidence to get back into the dating life so you can find your soul mate.)