You want to find true love with a man, but have you skipped self-worth and self-love?
But I can tell you as a man that if you lack self-worth and self-love that he will sense it.
Ladies this is not an attractive trait.
BUT MORE importantly, without self-worth and self-love, you will continue to feel unfulfilled in dating and relationships.
Because you look for happiness on the outside.
Instead they create their own happiness.
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Do you do any of these?
Thus, they rarely do any of these next miserable feeling things:
- Sit by the phone waiting for a guy to text.
- Make excuses for why he hasn’t called.
- Keep texting him after he disappears for one week.
- Fantasize about marrying or having a long-term relationship with an unresponsive and erratic behaving man.
- Internally forgive him for continuing to break plans.
Secure people with higher self-worth rarely do any of these above things.
Instead they emotionally detach themselves from people who do not treat them the way they want.
They know what they want and do not settle for anything less.
These people look for men who like them for who they are.
Ladies if a man really wants to be with you, he will find a way and he will do everything in his power NOT to scare you away.
His PATTERN of actions TELL you what he wants.
Women of high self-worth tend to LOOK for the right man, not wait for him to change.
Women with higher self-worth use a different strategy to find relationship love.
They look for people with the traits they want in a partner that will sustain long-term happiness, not short-term.
First, they meet people and then wait to see who they really are and what they’re really made up of.
They give them a few chances and then if they continue to see behavior that does not coincide with what they want they move on.
These women of high self-worth and self-love tend to LOOK for the right man, not wait for him to change.
And if you’d like to accelerate the steps to improve your self-worth and self-love in order to speed up the process to…
Enjoy dating again, flirting, connecting with men to create passionate, unconditional love in 7 easy steps then click here for more information on one of my favorite dating and relationship coaches for women Evan Marc Katz’s “Believe In Love”
(Jump to Daily Self-Worth Affirmation Questions)
The GOOD News of Self-worth
If you feel down about yourself
Acquire self-worth and self-love by planting the seeds of thought in your mind and growing them until they flourish and become a natural part of you
You can acquire it.
I had to re-learn this after my ex-wife moved out and abandoned me.
And I have to practice this myself every time I begin to slip and look for other people to validate my own self-worth.
Nourish your mind with the thoughts that you want to become a natural part of you.
Regularly tell yourself what you want and eventually, you will manifest those traits, qualities, characteristics or healthy mental habits.
We’re going to practice together.
Every day for 10 days (preferably in the morning before you start your day) you will ask yourself these self-worth affirmation questions and answer them either internally or jot them down.
If you like to write on paper then try a journal.
If not, then just open up your laptop and write. You might find the feeling of writing them down soothing.
I want to help you build a more reliable sense of self-fulfillment and we will do this by aiming to achieve the following (in no particular order):
- Build Confidence
- Find pride in your own authenticity
- Identify Your Own Needs
- Admit What You Needs
- Protect Your Boundaries
- Connect with Others
- Open Up to Ask for Help
10 Daily Self-Worth Affirmation Questions
Jot down these questions in your journal with plenty of space to write or place them in a document on your laptop.
Day 1: “What do I like most about myself?”
Do you persevere? Are you resourceful, caring, compassionate, a good listener to other’s needs, a good decision-maker, a good problem-solver, a high-achiever, calm when facing a crisis, etc?
Day 2: “What achievements of mine am I most proud of?”
Brainstorm. Think of your current and past career opportunities, your artistic creations, community involvement, systems you’ve built, ways you’ve helped others, goals, or dreams you pursued and accomplished.
Don’t think of just formal rewards that come with plaques, ribbons or medals.
Day 3: “What qualities about myself help others most? How can I bring more value to their lives?”
What do you feel you can give most to others? What do others seem to like about you?
Day 4: “If I could visit anywhere in the world right now where would I go?”
What are the places you’ve always wanted to go?
If we stood in front of a destination list at an airport with a packed bag right now, where would you choose to go.
Day 5: “What type of help do I find hard to ask of others?”
We all need help in some way. Why do you find it hard to ask? What ill feelings are you trying to avoid? What scares you most?
Day 6: “What boundaries do I let others cross that I wish I didn’t?”
In what ways do feel that most people mistreat you?
Even if they do not intend to hurt you, how do they cross the line?
Day 7: “What is the one thing I wish others noticed about me most?”
What are the deeper core qualities that not every one sees that you wish they did?
Day 8: “Which people in my life have inspired me most and why?”
Who are the people that you feel the most comfortable being your true natural self? What are you able to do and feel around them that you can’t around others?
Day 9: “What is one way in which I wish that I could connect with other people more easily?”
When you fantasize about the moments around others what are you doing in your dreams that you normally would be to fearful to do in real life? Do you speak your mind? Do you laugh more? Have more fun?
Day 10: “What brings me the most joy in my life and how can I get more of it?”
When you are at your best what is happening? What are the situations you’re in? Who are the people your sharing these moments with? What about them brings the best out of you? Where are you?
Tell me how this exercise made you feel.
Leave a comment below or email me.
Want to Increase your Self-Worth and Self-Love before…
…jumping back into the dating world to find your true soulmate?
Check out Believe in Love by one of my favorite dating and relationship coaches for women Evan Marc Katz