My review here of Edward Talurdey’s Catch Cheating Lover book highlights some (practically) foolproof ways to find the truth about your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend’s affair.
Hello my name is Orlando, owner of this site.
If you read my free eBook “Top Cheating Spouse Report” then you already know that I know a thing or two about cheating on my spouse (not proud of that), but I also know how to catch a cheater.
If you finally want the truth about those suspicions that your spouse cheats behind your back then “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey can help you do that within 7 Days!
I finally found a catch cheating lover eBook (besides my own) that I can endorse to help you. (Especially since the author is a Private Investigator.) He helped hundreds of clients catch their cheating spouses’ affairs- at least that’s what he claims–but the details of the book lend me to believe him.
The author’s team personally sent me a copy to review.
While I do not agree with everything in “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey this review will provide more than enough information to help you decide to purchase it or not.
“How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey
Main Contents
[eBook Two Volumes] Volume 1: 72 pages; Volume 2: 105 pages
[2 eBooks]Ultimate Spy Gear Resources Guide, Human Lie Detector
Delivery Method
[Instant Download] all the eBooks from email after purchase on sales page
Payment Method
Worldwide purchases with Credit/Debit cards, Paypal (*recommended)
Overall Score
This statement comes right from the Purchase Page
[QUOTE: “If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in your Catch a Cheat (package). Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked; ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.”]
[My Overall Opinion]
“How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” eBook by Edward Talurdey reveals some easy-to-follow, practical ways to capture hard evidence of your spouse’s affair within 7 days.
Some of the examples could go further in-depth, BUT you will learn much more than you need to catch your cheating partner pretty quickly.
I can tell you from experience both as a former cheater and someone who caught his cheating wife, that you can do it too with the tips in this book!
Cheaters miscalculate and do not cover all their tracks.
And this catch cheating lover eBook will show you how to capitalize on your cheating spouse’s mistakes to capture the hard evidence in the next 7 days.
The eBook on this page will teach you how to set up traps to catch them red-handed.
In addition to the main title, the bonus eBooks “Human Lie Detector” and the “Ultimate Spy Gear Resources Guide” will take you into the mind of a private investigator to teach you the pro tips you seek.
Ready to Find the Truth?
>>CLICK HERE to watch interesting video of “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover”.
Who SHOULD Read “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey
- This eBook is for you if you want to finally end the lies and can you handle the truth about your cheating spouse?
- You have a plan after catching your spouse.
- Do you want to learn how to set up guaranteed traps to catch cheating lover? Then “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” will reveal the secrets how to create easy traps.
- If you have considered hiring a private investigator. Then I’d read this eBook first before you spend the money to hire one. You will obtain a thorough understanding what is involved to set up traps to get the evidence you need.
- ***Are tired of dealing with the pain and just want to move on with your life RIGHT NOW.
Who Should NOT Read this Catch Cheating Lover Book
- If you are NOT ready to deal with the emotional pain of seeing your spouse cheating with another person.
- You do not yet have a back up plan or a support system to take care of yourself after you catch your spouse cheating.
- If you are someone who still does not want to believe your spouse would cheat on you, then you probably won’t take advantage of the secret techniques in this book.
- You are not sick and tired enough yet of the lies.
- This eBook is not for you if you might act violent after catching your cheating lover. (***You should consider speaking with the police or a divorce lawyer.)
- Although not very in-depth, the advice how to effectively use hidden cameras, GPS trackers, semen detection kits, phone recorders and phone spyware will get the job done.
PROs and CONs of “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover”
- Explains how to trap and catch your cheating lover many different ways (online, at work, on their cell phone, capture cheating text message conversations, and on a computer.
- Provides an easy-to-follow 7 Day Catch Cheating Lover Action Plan. The plan first takes you through preparing mentally then how to set the trap, rehearse it, prepare for back up plans in case Plan A does not work and what to do after you catch them
- the 3 Keys to Catch a Cheater Traps of what you want to accomplish each time you attempt to set up the trap.
- How to Follow Cheaters (in Your Car)…without getting caught
- Offers many inexpensive/free catch cheating lover tips (many of the same ways I suggest in my blog and own eBook) like how to follow a paper trail, check for credit card purchases, reading body language, reading through lies, understanding mood swings
- Inside look to private investigator tactics
- Cheaters manipulation: differences between men and women’s tactics to cover their tracks
- the #1 Cheater-preferred Cheating Device (I 100% concur- I used it and so did my ex-cheating wife)…and how to use it against them
- Basic tips how to avoid spy gadget failures
- Outdated suggestions regarding “tape” recorders and VHS tapes.
- Not enough in-depth guidance for spy gear equipment set up.
- Not enough advice to help decide which spy gadget to use for different situations like when to set a trap to catch your spouse cheating in the bedroom, car, when to decide to follow.
- Should offer more suggestions when to consider hiring a private investigator versus do-it-yourself spy work.
- No table of contents to quickly find specific points to review
Preparing Yourself to Face the Truth of Your Spouse’s Affair
Ask Yourself These Important Questions:

- What would you do if you caught your cheating spouse red-handed?
- Do you fear they would leave you?
- Would you care if they left?
- Do you think you’d kick them out?
- If you decide to stay what will you demand that they do?
Most of the advice you may receive from friends and family after you catch your spouse cheating (if you decide to tell them) will be to leave your spouse.
But you know your situation best.
(***”How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” does provide some noteworthy advice how to handle the affair after you catch them in both Volume 1 and 2.>>>Click Here for more information.***)
The Harsh Reality of Cheating…ANYONE’S Capable of Cheating… (just how easy you get away with it) (page 49, Vol. 2)
As a private investigator Edward sees it all. His examples from real-life cases illustrate just how easy cheaters get away with unfaithfulness (click the link to left to watch Edward’s illustrative video).
On page 49 he highlights a client’s case where the husband walked out of the house for less than 5 minutes to borrow a tool from a neighbor a few houses down.
In that time frame his cheating wife’s lover sprinted out of his house into their basement to have sex with his wife. Before the husband returned, the two finished and the cheating neighbor ran back fully clothed to his own house.
Luckily Edward caught it on video.
I dated a married woman who would routinely lie to her husband that she was working, but instead spent several hours with me in my bedroom.
Lies come easy to cheaters.
You must understand your cheating spouse’s patterns and how to trap them in their lies.
“How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” contains easy-to-follow, catch cheating lover tips to set the bait and catch them in your trap.But how do you know if you are just paranoid and your spouse is not actually cheating?
Many of the cheating signs I displayed with my first wife and the same ones my ex married girlfriend are the same ones Edward shares in this book.
Top [Easy to Spot] Signs Your Spouse is Cheating on You…taught by a private investigator (page 58, Vol. 2)
Read these cheating signs from “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” here below.
- Your cheating spouse’s sex drive spins out of control…then falls back down to earth.
- Your cheating partner takes a sudden interest in their looks (make-up, hair, clothes) that they didn’t have before.
- They display roller coaster mood swings.
- They spend increased time away from home/make excuses to leave.
- Your cheating husband/wife spends extended time on phone. (Watch for surprised responses: sudden typing stopped, shutting off computer, putting phone away).
Some couples (unfortunately) fall into high risk factors and could have been doomed from the beginning.
Infidelity High Risk Factors: In a Dead-end Relationship? (page 63, Vol. 2)
Edward points out through his years experience as a private investigator that the factors on this list could indicate a higher likelihood that infidelity will occur in a relationship.
(You can find out the reasons why these high risk factors increase chances of cheating by reading the book).
- Age of each person in relationship.
- Age difference.
- Number of previous marriages.
- Length of marriage
- Age of children
- Risk factors of a midlife crisis.
Click here to download a copy of “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey. (You will redirect to Edward’s animated catch cheating lover video).
How to Use Spy Gadgets to Catch Cheating Lover
In “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” Edward Talurdey suggests a few affordable spy gadgets to catch your spouse cheating red handed and leave no room for excuses or lies. (Click the above for more details what you will learn in the book.)
I won’t be able to go into too many details (that would basically steal the book’s content), but read the list of the spy gear equipment that Edward covers in his book.
Easiest Spy Gadget to Use to Catch Cheating Lover (page 75, Vol. 2)

Checkmate semen detection kit. (You can purchase them at local pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens here in the US or online).
Find out if your spouse has sex (with someone) when the two of you haven’t. (And he/she will never know you found out).
Telephone Recorder- home phone/landline (of course digital now–book mentions outdated tape recorder) (page 70, Vol. 2)
Cheaters look for opportunistic times to communicate with their lovers.
When you go to work they go to the phone.
Record and later listen to both sides of your cheating spouse’s conversations with his/her lover. You must have a land line. This spy gadget is NOT for cell phones. That’s where spyware software comes in.
Learn how to conceal the recorder and how to set it up without getting caught spying.
IP Cameras [vs] Hidden Surveillance Cameras
Suspicious your spouse invites the Other Person over to your OWN HOME?!
These cameras catch all the action.
You must know which cameras make sense for each situation based on your bedroom or living room layout and decorations, lighting and a few other factors.
“How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” covers the basics. Edward’s book provides enough information to point you in the right direction.
Glimpse at some of the differences below.
-Hidden Surveillance Cameras (Recorded Footage)
- The variety of shapes and sizes (look like objects around the house, but actually are cameras)
- Where to place them in the house.
- Benefits over IP cameras
- Drawbacks.
-IP Camera (live-real-time internet viewing of action) (page 72, Vol. 2)
- How to set trap and spy from ANYWHERE in the world
- Major differences between IP cameras and regular hidden surveillance cameras.
- Benefits over hidden surveillance cameras that record footage.
- Drawbacks.
-GPS trackers
(Second most effective spy gadget.)
- Difference between trackers and loggers.
- Benefits
- Drawbacks
-Spyware and Keylogger Software
- Most effective spy gadget. Practically guaranteed to catch cheating lover …without a shadow of a doubt…with all legitimate evidence.
- Monitor ALL forms of communication through their phone (or ANY of their devices)
- How to spy on ALL emails, IMs, texts, phone calls, sent pics, sent videos, contact lists
- One big drawback (besides legalities)
[supsystic-price-table id=9]
**Ready to catch your cheating mate? Learn how, where and when to set up these above spy gadgets…
Bonus Gifts Review: >>>The Extras Included with “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover”
>Ultimate Spy Gear Resources Guide [Bonus 1 of 2]
Edward offers a two bonus books with “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover”. One of them is his resource of where to purchase spy gear equipment.
What I like about it.
You will find a decent (but not great) break down of the different types of spy gadgets (at least the ones he suggests) and some basic descriptions how to set them up and use them.
What I don’t like the guide.
Some of the information is outdated (not to mention the pictures) and the design could use some touch up work. It is a little difficult to follow.
>Human Lie Detector: Bonus eBook [Bonus 2 of 2]
Edward offers private investigator body language reading and power-gaining tips in his bonus eBook “Human Lie Detector“.
>>>DOWNLOAD<<< your own copy of Edward’s “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” after first watching his informative video.
I grade this as a decent bonus book. The tips could prove effective despite being basic and not as in-depth for reading someone’s typical behavioral patterns (baseline) in such books like Janice Driver’s “You Say More Than You Think“.
The advice will not guarantee to trick your cheating spouse into spilling the truth. However, the main concept to surprise a liar with questions when they least expect it helped me in the past.
I can tell you as a former cheater and someone involved with a cheating married woman in the past that it exhausts you to monitor and develop lies and excuses. Eventually you get caught in a situation where you must think on the fly, make up a story to cover your tracks and hope your alibi coincides with all your past ones.
The eBook is free, but if you thirst for more catch cheating lover body language advice then I suggest you check out Janice’s book above too.
More answers to your questions in “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover”…
Hiring PI- Good Idea? (page 77 Vol. 2)
Following your cheating lover could reveal the entire truth, but what does Edward say about doing this on your own?
He suggests that hiring a private investigator, while not a mandatory catch cheating lover way to uncover an affair, is the most guaranteed approach.

He advises how to find affordable private investigators and back-up ways to spy on your wayward spouse if you choose not to hire one.
The tips and spy gadgets suggested in the book will suffice, but depending how fast you want to find the truth and move on with your life a private investigator is simply already trained to capture the evidence you need faster than you could do it all alone.
Find out the resource he suggests to start your interviewing process and read his other bonus book mentioned above “Ultimate Spy Gear Resources Guide“. (Click this link here to watch video of what is included with package).
How to Set Traps for Your Cheating Spouse to Fall …without getting Caught (p 80)
Spy gadgets help you capture undeniable evidence your spouse or lover cheating, but you need to know how to set the bait for them to catch them. (The link here reveals some trap-setting secrets to catch cheating lover in Edward’s video).
It may not be enough to know your cheating spouse’s patterns in order to react then jump into action. You will find it much easier to create the opportunity in which they will cheat.
Edward teaches how to lure them into your trap with all your spy gear equipment in place, tested and ready to go.
If you learn to effectively set the gadgets up and perform some practice runs you may not need to hire a private investigator.
Sample Catch Cheating Lover Traps
“The Overnighter” (p. 82) (with real life example of one of author’s clients, tricking the cheating couple to perform while recording them)
This trap involves a private investigator staking out in front of your house as the two trick your cheating lover to invite their partner to spend the night.
“The Gift that Keeps on Giving” (p. 85, when your cheating spouse and their partner fight)
This trap involves understanding the inside life of a cheating couple. When I dated a married woman I could always sense her fear and tension that I could inform her husband at any moment of her second life.
He could have taken advantage of his wife’s fear by putting this trap into action.
“Pick a Fight” (p. 88) (tricking your cheating spouse to vent his/her emotions to her paramour)
If you understand the life of a cheating couple then you would know that your cheating spouse paints a “less-than-stellar” picture of you.
The paramour hears all your relationship’s dirty laundry.
And after you two fight guess who is the first person to find out about it? Yep, your cheating spouse’s partner.
Here Edward suggests how to trick your cheating spouse into contacting her lover while you wait to capture the conversation, what spy gadget to utilize and how to set and spring the trap.
3 Keys to Trap: Customize Your Traps to Catch Your Cheating Lover to Fit Your Circumstances (p. 90)
Everyone of you reading this review experiences a different set of circumstances.
Maybe hidden cameras will not work to set up in your house for you because your partner’s lover lives out of town.
BUT the fundamental process to lure cheaters into your trap and ambush them with your spy gear equipment (or non-gear trap) follow the same methodology.
I validate Edwards 3 catch cheating lover trap keys on page 90. (Click this link to watch the video).
Plan B: How to STILL Capture Evidence EVEN WHEN Your Trap FAILS (p. 92)
You trick your cheating partner into inviting his/her lover over to your house while the cameras are rolling, BUT they go to a bar instead.
Then what do you do?
Edward should have gone into more detail with some examples how to set up a back up plan. But this section does provide some guidance how to prepare for foul ups when things go wrong.
Spy Gear Test Run: Make Sure the Gadgets Work (p. 93)
When should you go live with your trap?
Skim through this section to know the basics for readying your equipment so everything runs smoothly.
The NON-Negotiable Suggestion NOT to Do…or You Will Lose Everything (p. 102, Vol 2)
I totally agree with Edward on the advice on page 102. It’s one of the most tempting things to want to do. I actually did it over the phone after I caught her the first time. But I also have a cooler head than most.
I would not recommend it for anyone though.
How to Turn the Tables on Them…and make them chase you (p. 103, Vol. 2)
If you value yourself (like you should), if you demand respect, then this advice on page 103 gains immediate power in your corner.
It will drive them insane.
Your cheating partner will not know what to do. They’ll panic and start chasing you rather than you chase them.
Trust me when I tell you. After you catch your spouse cheating you do not want to allow them to get away with it without consequences.
If you are not ready to deal with the aftermath of catching your spouse in an affair then PLEASE SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP FROM A RELATIONSHIP COUNSELOR.The SAME Reaction ALL Edward Talurey’s Clients’ Cheating Lovers Do…when Caught Red-handed (p. 104, Vol. 2)
DAY 7 is today in Edward’s 7 Day Action Plan to catch your cheating lover!
Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for your cheating spouse’s reaction after you catch them.
All cheater’s responses are the same when ambushed and caught.
My cheating wife responded just like Edward said in his book she would.
I responded the same way when I was caught cheating in my first marriage.
The PROBLEM: My first wife was not ready and neither was I when I caught my second wife.
[Want to Stay Together and Go to Counseling?]
The Stunning Fact that Will Make You Think Twice About Marriage Counseling (page 105)
So this part of the book is somewhat biased regarding marriage counselors.
I realize that he backs some of the statements with research, but you decide how to handle your decision to stay or go. This book mostly focuses on catch cheating lover advice and how to maintain composure you catch them.
Summary of “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey
*Bottom line about “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey is that unless you are a private investigator, or have hired one in the past, you will learn more than you know now how to capture affair evidence.*
I run this site, know how cheaters minds work, was a cheater once, I dated a cheater and divorced a cheater.
So yes, I know a thing or two how to catch a cheater and how they manipulate innocent partners.
This book showed me more cheater trap advice than I previously knew.
At the same time, I hoped for more in-depth details on how to set up the various spy gadgets as well as more detailed comparisons between the devices (eg. GPS trackers and loggers). However, “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey provides more than sufficient catch cheating lover advice to get the job done.
I also now have a better understanding how private investigators work…
Private Investigator Steps to Catch Cheating Lover
- Set a trap
- Lure cheater into trap
- Capture evidence
- Ask cheater if they are cheating
- Inform cheater you have evidence (if they deny cheating)
- Ask again
- Show evidence
Some of the information regarding spy gadgets is outdated (telephone tape recorders and mention of VHSs), but the process would still remain the same. Instead of setting up a tape recorder to capture phone conversations you’d substitute it with a digital phone recorder.
I would have liked suggestions on voice activated digital recorders. They come in many covert shapes and sizes and easy to plant in a car. My ex married girlfriend called me more from her car than anywhere else. Her husband could have placed a digital voice recorder inside and captured a ton of juicy conversations.
Either way even I learned more about catching cheating lover tips now than I did before and I wrote my own book on the subject.
FINALLY Want the Truth?
Download “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” NOW!
>>>Click here to watch video about “How to Catch Your Cheating Lover” by Edward Talurdey.