Why the hell do happily married women cheat? This question puzzles betrayed husbands across the globe. And you feel like you have nowhere to turn for ...
Forgive cheating spouses? Is that a good idea? Before you decide to forgive a cheating spouse, ask yourself some questions if forgiving them makes the most ...
Facebook Rules to prevent affairs? Is that even a good idea? Ever heard the best way to solve a problem is to avoid it? The best (perhaps only) proactive ...
Will he cheat again? You have scoured the internet looking for the answer to the two questions that drives almost all of us betrayed spouses to the ...
What is a serial cheater? Hello everyone this is Orlando again, Owner of this site. A serial cheater is what I refer to as people who are addicted to ...
Low self-esteem may be the real underlying problem of your husband’s (wife’s) affair or could turn into one later. Your husband’s (wife’s) dependence on you ...
Lack of empathy has no place in your relationship. It drives many married people through all the stop signs that crash your relationship into an affair. A ...
The first step I made on the road to survive infidelity was to fix myself. But what was broken? Where do I begin? If I found something broken, how would I ...
You caught your husband sexting another woman. Before you beat him over the head with a broom stick take a deep breath and ask yourself this question. Do ...