Can you save your marriage/relationship after cheating? Here are 10 signs your marriage can survive the affair. Or what are the signs that the relationship ...
When I caught my wife cheating for the second time I wish I had an affair survival resource like the online Infidelity Recovery Center. It just didn't exist ...
There are many types of cheating. People cheat for different reasons or in all kinds of different ways. The types of cheating in this post are not the ... How would it feel to stop obsessive thoughts of helplessness, hopeless as you re-route or re-align your life? How would it ...
Infidelity Recovery Center: Self-Guided Resources to Help You Heal I wish I had access to the self-guided resources that Dr. ...
What's the likelihood you can save your marriage after your spouse's affair and achieve the best case affair survival outcome? When it comes down to it this ...
You hoped for a miracle, but it doesn’t take much to see that your relationship is over. And you fear what lies ahead. In your wildest nightmares this wasn’t ...
Is this the relationship we always dreamed of? If not, then what's the real reason we decide to stay with our serial cheating partners? We all once swore that ...
You suspect that you married a serial cheating wife and you have no idea what to do next, right? Don't feel ashamed, neither did I, and nor do the thousands ...
"Should I sell my house quick or wait? I'm heading towards divorce after my spouse's affair. What should I do? I don't know any real estate agents to ask." ...
No cheating man hopes or plans to get caught in an affair. But why do some cheating men stay married after their wife finds out about their affair? To ...
Why DO People Cheat in relationships…especially when they seem to have everything they want? I completely understand why you would want to know why your ...
Little did I know that infidelity coach Dr. Huizenga 's tips would save me. I sat at the kitchen table frantically searching for online affair recovery ...
When I discovered all the calls my now ex-wife made to her long-distance boyfriend I wish I had access to the Infidelity Recovery Center. It didn’t exist. ...
My subscribers write to me from time to time, open up their hearts and tell me their true infidelity stories. These real-life situations will remind you that ...
Dr Frank Gunzburg relaunched his online, hit sensation "How to Survive an Affair" program recently. I called him personally to receive a copy to review for ...
Why the hell do happily married women cheat? This question puzzles betrayed husbands across the globe. And you feel like you have nowhere to turn for ...
How will your affair recovery look? “Can my relationship survive infidelity?” you wonder. The worst part of betrayal is that you feel hopeless. You feel ...
Forgive cheating spouses? Is that a good idea? Before you decide to forgive a cheating spouse, ask yourself some questions if forgiving them makes the most ...
Facebook Rules to prevent affairs? Is that even a good idea? Ever heard the best way to solve a problem is to avoid it? The best (perhaps only) proactive ...