Here’s the tale of my husband’s mistress and the discovery of his affairs. One night I caught him emailing his mistress about another past lover of his, while ...
Smart unfaithful partners get away with cheating because they know how to hide evidence of their affair - in many cases without you even suspecting it for a ...
Micro cheating has crept into your everyday life and you didn't even see it sneak in through the back door... What is micro-cheating? Do you feel something in ...
Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have flocked to to learn how to find signs of cheating. Nobody wants to live a lie by ...
The girl of his dreams or the back-up plan? Which one are you? Tapping on the login button on the dating app always comes with the hope that today could be ...
The only reason you should run a Truthfinder background check (or any kind) on people you meet in online dating is for safety; physically, emotionally and ...
There are many types of cheating. People cheat for different reasons or in all kinds of different ways. The types of cheating in this post are not the ...
If you want to find the truth, then check out ten more techniques to catch a cheating husband, wife or partner like a spy.Most of these come from my first-hand ...
If you’re wondering whether you’re going to catch your boyfriend cheating on dating apps, it can be frustrating to tread the line between caution and ...
So what's all this talk about a text message spy app? Back in the day, in order to meet prospective partners or even find someone to date, single people ...
Micro cheating has crept into your everyday life and you didn't even see it sneak in through the back door. You suspect that your partner is getting a little ...
Is this the relationship we always dreamed of? If not, then what's the real reason we decide to stay with our serial cheating partners? We all once swore that ...
You suspect that you married a serial cheating wife and you have no idea what to do next, right? Don't feel ashamed, neither did I, and nor do the thousands ...
Will your marriage survive? What rebuilding broken trust steps can you follow to undo your choice to cheat? I'd bet since you clicked through from the ...
Professional spy equipment is NOT just for private investigators to Catch your Cheating Spouse! Here is a basic overview of the kinds of spy gear ...
My review here of Edward Talurdey's Catch Cheating Lover book highlights some (practically) foolproof ways to find the truth about your ...
Catch a Cheater? Download my 2 FREE eBooks 75 Warning Signs of Cheating Partners + Top Secret Cheating Spouse Report for more info... So you want to ...
If your spouse is living or working in another city it is easy to get nervous about them being involved in a long distance affair, isn't it? While you are home ...
Online Affairs: 3 Warning Signs! How dangerous is an online affair to your relationship? Let's look at it. The greatest threat to a couple’s relationship ...
Need Evidence? You suspect your husband or wife is cheating? I’m here to help. My misfortune and bad choice to date a married woman in the past gave me ...