Catch a Cheater? Download my 2 FREE eBooks 75 Warning Signs of Cheating Partners + Top Secret Cheating Spouse Report for more info... So you want to ...
If the cheater profile were a house then insecurity would be the foundation. If you have scoured the internet in search of a set of criteria that describes a ...
Facebook cheating wife or Instagram cheating husband, internet emotional affairs will more likely doom your marriage than any other form of cheating (if it ...
Will he cheat again? You have scoured the internet looking for the answer to the two questions that drives almost all of us betrayed spouses to the ...
What is a serial cheater? Hello everyone this is Orlando again, Owner of this site. A serial cheater is what I refer to as people who are addicted to ...
Fear of intimacy may not be a sign he (she) has a fear of commitment to be with you, but it could. It also could be a sign of something scarier, an experience ...
Low self-esteem may be the real underlying problem of your husband’s (wife’s) affair or could turn into one later. Your husband’s (wife’s) dependence on you ...
What do a risk taker, a public person with power and status and infidelity have in common? Do successful people love to cheat? Is there really a Cheating ...
Lack of empathy has no place in your relationship. It drives many married people through all the stop signs that crash your relationship into an affair. A ...
Is compulsive sexuality one of the major serial cheater profile traits your spouses struggles with? Does your spouse get bored easily? Does she need ...
How would you react if your spouse cheated a second time and showed no remorse about how it affected your life? Do cheaters feel remorse? And what does it ...
So the big question you're asking yourself right now, can your office friendship turn into a full-blown affair? I will never forget the day I decided to ...
If your spouse is living or working in another city it is easy to get nervous about them being involved in a long distance affair, isn't it? While you are home ...
Need Evidence? You suspect your husband or wife is cheating? I’m here to help. My misfortune and bad choice to date a married woman in the past gave me ...
Enough is enough, no more lies, it's time to look into those spy gadgets you've seen in the 007 movies. Are the thoughts and images of your lying, ...
To set a trap in order to catch our cheating spouses in their lies we must first understand our objectives. Our goal is first to identify red flags of ...
Ouch, you feel a sharp, simmering pinch- you’ve been bitten by infidelity so how will you survive the affair? The emotional pain from an affair is nothing ...
Your cheating spouse is a pro at hiding evidence. He (or she) found a way to live a second life right under your nose and you never saw it coming. ...
Should you confess to cheating and face choppy waters? So you had an affair and now you are wondering if you should confess to cheating. You run through ...
You caught your husband sexting another woman. Before you beat him over the head with a broom stick take a deep breath and ask yourself this question. Do ...