Can your dating profile in your app help you find true love?
Relationship-minded men seek authentic long-term happiness.
They want something that lasts.
Which most relationship experts and coaches define as compatibility.
Sensation-seeking men, on the other hand, want quick thrills, often sex or only to have fun.
These kinds of men come in all ages, backgrounds, career paths and financial and social statuses.
Being a 50-year old, divorced lawyer with a net worth of 500k does not automatically make him a mature relationship-seeking man.
Think of this like fishing (or marketing).
The kind of “bait” you choose determines the kind of fish that you hook.
It either attracts the kinds of fish that you want to keep.
Or the ones that you want to throw back into the sea.
What you put in your online ad either attracts high-quality, loyal customers or it brings in cheap blood-sucking ones.
Which do you want?
Relationship or Just for Fun and Games
If you want a relationship then you must learn how to strategically create your online dating app profile that gets you the results you want…
… relationship-minded men who seek a compatible partner and who care about your feelings and long-term well-being.
But, here’s the challenge.
You only have mere seconds to make an impression.
The kind of impression that makes us men take action- to message you.
We only (subconsciously) focus on a few select items on your dating profile.
If you miss these key items then you will get little to no messages from any of us men.
Get them wrong and expect to net a school of hungry piranhas.
On the other hand, get them right and you turn your online dating profile into a magnet for quality men.
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What the Successful Female Dating Profile Accomplishes
A few questions to start…
Why is it important to carefully craft your dating profile?
What role does your dating profile play into finding a good male match?
The better question should be…
What role does your dating profile play into THE MINDS of the MEN READING IT?
Are they reading it at all or just scanning over it?
And one more question before I answer them.
What is the purpose of each component of your dating profile?
The All-Important Role of Your Dating Profile
So, why should you carefully craft your dating profile?
Well, quite simply to ATTRACT you a good match and REPEL as many duds, players, creeps, or any form of incompatible match.
At least as many as possible because no matter what you do, they still will attempt to contact you or send you unwanted pics.
Your dating profile is an advertisement.
An advertisement that showcases your personality to attract the right kind of man
If you carefully craft your dating profile to meet your objective of attracting the right match then a positive chain reaction will BEGIN to occur…
(If you’d like advanced training tips to learn how to craft a successful dating profile then click here to watch this video by dating for women guru Evan Marc Katz).
STOP to look at your pics
Then actually, READ what you wrote
And if everything MATCHES what they looking for will…
… send you a message that…
… show they have a genuine interest in…
… who you are AS A PERSON.
…And Then ALL the Rest
The only guys that count, that you should pay attention to, are the ones who make an effort to get to know you as a person.
If you craft your dating profile correctly the number of guys who make a good match for you will INCREASE.
And again, these are the ones who show that they READ your profile and make an effort to get to know you as a person…
…and NOT as an object.
The RIGHT ones treat you as the prize-to-be-won and work to earn your respect and approval.
You still will get contacted by ALL the REST.
But you probably already know this.
Step One
Choose the RIGHT pics.
==>We look at pics first (just like you do).
But I’m guessing you already knew that too.
After the pics, and all things even then comes…
… what you write in your dating profile.
Because what you say attracts or repels the right man.
And the RIGHT man will read it and respond.
Not all pics accomplish the first step in the positive chain of events to attract the right guy.
To get him to STOP.
So, what are the RIGHT pics?
==>[Click here] find out how to spot Mr. Right Online
even though you get nothing but boring or perverted messages.
Let’s move onto the list of…
5 Female Dating Profile Elements to Attract GOOD Men … (and hopefully, find YOUR Mr. Right)

What kind of men does your Online Dating Profile attract? Relationship-seeking or immature creeps?
1. Face Pics that Showcase Your (Natural) Smile and Eyes
The more pics the merrier.
And when it comes to face pics close-ups are preferred.
According to a study by researchers Khan (Barts and the London School of Medicine London, UK) and Chaudhry (University of Texas, US), a smile that portrays “a genuine smile, one that crinkles up your eyes, will make a good first impression”.
The study also suggests adding a head tilt to increase likeability.
From personal experience, I can tell you that any photo with a close-up pic of your smile that looks candid and authentic tugs at my heartstrings.
Candid makes your smile look un-staged, un-posed and natural.
It makes the men, who look at your dating profile, feel like they are looking at your true natural self.
Therefore, they feel that you have real emotions.
They begin to envision how they would feel in your company.
We can sense that you are a woman with true genuine, authentic feelings.
Bottom line: close-ups of your face with your eyes squinted portray that you are a happy woman who enjoys her life.
2. Full-Body Pics
Yes, for some ladies I’d imagine the decision to publish full body pics on your online dating profile can touch a nerve.
Why should men judge you before meeting you in person?
Full-body pics do matter.
Because we have not met you before, we want as much information and a more vivid picture of you are as a person both in appearance and personality.
You do not want to hide who you are.
Confidence in who you are will make you feel better about yourself anyway.
It will also play a role in influencing how potential mates feel about you since most perceive confidence as attractive and sexy.
Remember the main goal in online dating for relationship-minded people…
Find a compatible partner who you find attractive, feel emotionally comfortable with, who you enjoy their company, share similar relationship and life goals and with whom you can feel and behave as your true natural self.
And the process of searching for a potential mate begins with the male candidates seeing you for who you are.
It’s a two-way street and you should both feel satisfied with how each other looks.
Looks are only part of the equation, but since they are a part then you must get it right.
Include at least one body pic, preferably two to three with different attire in different situations, taken by another person rather than selfies.
According to the dating site Zoosk.com’s data, if you include full-body pics then your chances of receiving incoming messages increases 203%.
(Although the data does not mention if that pertains to both sexes or just one).
And you will have a 33% higher chance of receiving replies to your messages if you include full-body pics, according to the same data.
I’m a man.
I look for full body pics.
(But good face pics matter MORE.)
Don’t stress about body type.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
There are men out there for EVERY body type.
And the RIGHT man is all who counts.
3. Candid Active Pics
To attract the RIGHT guy, who you will also find attractive, with your dating profile is a balance of art and strategy.
Active pics showcase both your personality and the activities of that you like to do.
This provides instant information to potential ideal matches.
It helps us guys determine if you’d make a fun date and conversely if we’d make a fun date for you too.
Plus, gives us ideas for first dates, if we were to go out.
Planning for first dates stresses a lot of us guys out.
Think about it.
We never met, we don’t know you.
And despite what we may discuss with you in messages or in phone calls prior to the first date, there is real pressure to provide you a good first impression.
According to a report by the relationship app Hinge, photos with you participating in sports increases your chances of receiving likes by 166%.
Of course, not all of us are into sports.
Therefore, provide pics of you in the action doing what you like.
And this should increase attention to your profile and thus messages from the RIGHT guys with whom you are compatible.
[Free Download] Finding Mr. Right in Online Dating: First Messages Quality Men Send Worth Responding To
==>Click here to access your FREE copy.
4. Tell (Brief) Stories to Describe Your Passions and Interests
Remember to think of your dating profile as an ad.
This ad should, once again, target your IDEAL candidates with whom you will have a good time and vice-versa.
Plopping down a quick, non-compelling list of descriptive words and preferences does nothing to showcase your personality.
Check out this next line.
“Fun, caring, active, love cooking, getting drinks and to laugh.”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read lines just like these on dating apps like
Coffee Meets Bagel, OKCupid, Plenty of Fish, etc.
Do you know how this makes me feel when I read it?
Like you do not really care about making a good impression.
It’s boring and void of emotion.
It makes it look like you are uncertain about your desire to date.
The RIGHT GUY, who seeks a relationship looks for a woman who takes relationships seriously.
You take your job interviews and resumes seriously, right?
Then do the same for your dating profile.
The right mix of pics matter most, but then comes what you write in it.
Craft a Dating Profile Like a Pro
One of my favorite dating and relationship coaches for women Evan Marc Katz and creator of the online dating profile course “Finding the One Online” provides solid advice.
He teaches serious female daters how to write their dating profile in story form.
Because according to him, us men find stories more compelling and interesting and allow you to showcase your humorous and romantic side more effectively.
Thus, resulting in attracting more compatible and serious candidates.
If a man references something you wrote in your profile with a short funny quip and compliment it means three things.
1. Your profile worked. Congratulations!
2. And that the man who messaged you takes dating seriously.
3. Also, that who you are AS A PERSON matters to him.
Want an example of a dating profile description written in story form?
Here you go.
A GOOD Line from a Dating Profile of an Adventurous Traveler
“During my first skydive jump I was nervous but I witnessed a heavenly, breathtaking view of a paradisal blue Costa Rican shoreline.”
The right guy will find this description interesting for multiple reasons.
It targets fellow adventurous travelers.
This line implies that you have gone on multiple skydive jumps in exotic places.
It also portrays you as a brave woman full of life.
Plus, it gives good potential candidates something to comment on.
Want to add extra points to increase your chances of receiving a message from the RIGHT guy by 166%?
Include a photo of you skydiving, playing tennis, fishing, mountain biking, zip lining, etc.
Remember the data from the relationship app Hinge that I mentioned above?
Active pics of you doing what you like especially sports activities, increase messages from online daters.
As a wine drinker, seeing a pic of you sipping wine in the foreground of a hilly
Tuscany vineyard who certainly inspire me to message you.
Ok, now how about a weak dating profile description from an adventurous traveler.
A “NOT-SO” Dating Profile Line from an Adventurous Traveler
“I love to travel to exotic places and to skydive.”
[Click here] to watch dating coach Evan Marc Katz’s video to learn how.
And the final dating profile app item from this post that I suggest you add…
5. Describe Your Mr. Right with (Funny, Cute) Hypothetical Stories
You increase the number of responses you will receive from like-minded candidates when you showcase your personality through a storytelling description of a specific activity you participated in
Want to increase those positive odds even more?
Describe the ideal mate that you seek.
According to the study mentioned further up in this post by Khan and Chaudry, a 70/30 blend of describing your personality and the type of mate you seek will increase the number of messages you receive from men.
This is a much more favorable strategy then only providing the description of who you are- especially from the men who fit your description.
Us men face the real possibility of rejection every time we approach a woman.
Decrease the fear of rejection in the right guy, thus increasing the probability he will message you, by including an interesting, hypothetical story of what you’re looking for in a man and in a relationship.
Of course, by doing so you also run the risk of scaring men off if you come across too picky or abrasive.
Therefore, if you would like assistance on writing a description that gets better results then I recommend you watch this video by a dating coach for women Evan Marc Katz who specializes in creating an effective online dating profile.
Would you like a good example?
Here is a sample hypothetical description of the kind of man a self-described romantic woman seeks from one of my popular posts [Update Your Profile] New Funny Female Online Dating Profile Examples
“Do Charming, Romantic Gentlemen Still Exist?”
“Let’s just say if you showed up at my door smiling ear-to-ear, soaking wet, from the rain with a single, bent over, red rose in hand, I’d probably wrap my arms around you, grab you by the hair and plant my lips on yours.”
There’s no mistaking what this lady wants.
She wants a man who prides himself in being romantic to bring her a flower on the first date.
And presumably, she will reward him if he does.
As a ma, I find that cute, funny, confident and sexy and would definitely send her a message.
Check out more free female online dating profile examples on my post [Update Your Profile] New Funny Female Online Dating Profile Examples.
I hope you enjoyed my suggestions on which items to include in your online dating profile to improve your chances of finding your Mr. Right.
Before you leave please check out the following very important disclaimers which will set you up with healthy expectations for online dating success.
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[Download] “Finding Mr. Right in Online Dating: First Messages Quality Men Send Worth Responding To”
A Few Disclaimers about Men and Your Dating Profile (from My Male Perspective)
I truly want ALL women to find true love.
There is a woman for every man.
No matter who you are.
The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
This is relationship compatibility at its finest.
Your personality and preferences create a match for some caring, well-rounded, mature man out there.
And that really should be your main objective- find the guy who makes the best overall match (personality, standards, values, life and relationship goals).
It is my belief that dating apps (and websites) can help find him faster.
(Although bear in mind that Mr. Right could appear anywhere at anytime and you should be ready to meet him IRL too) (link to IRL opt-in)
Therefore, learn to master the art of creating a strategic dating profile that appeals to YOUR Mr. Right candidates and you will start going out on more dates and good ones to boot.
But no matter how crafty you get with your dating profile you will still encounter a few obstacles.
Here are a few that I’d like to bring to your attention:
Dating Profile and Apps Disclaimer #1
Regretfully, many time-wasting men, or rather boys, who don’t know what they want in relationships roam this earth, always have and always will.
Call them players, actors or simply creeps- they make IT HARD FOR EVERYONE…
…On us good men who want long-term relationships: They make it much more challenging for good men out there who seek the same thing you want- true love.
On compassionate women like you: These chumps make it harder for you to separate the men from the boys.
Many of these kinds of men have learned the art of manipulation and mastered the skill of playing off your emotions to temporarily win you over.
A sea of websites exists out there created by immature, misguided men to train other immature, misguided men “step-by-step” to transform them into PUAs (Pick Up Artists).
PUAs have one goal in mind- to get laid.
Sounds like high school or college frat parties all over again, doesn’t it?
They plan to disappear from your life before they even know you exist.
These men will always lurk in dating apps (and IRL situations) for as long as dating apps exist.
Dating Profile and Apps Disclaimer #2
No matter how much you strategize your dating app it can only accomplish so much…
…because, in the end, we must find you attractive (to us- remember again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder).
However, the most universally attractive women will ALWAYS get the most attention both on dating apps and IRL situations.
Even for me, it is hard to resist a physically attractive, “well-put-together” woman.
HOWEVER, here’s the good news.
The only thing that counts in relationships, especially long-term ones is, once again, COMPATIBILITY.
If your personalities, relationship goals, and life objectives do NOT mesh, then you will NOT work out.
You will only end up repelling each other.
Therefore, ignore all the noise about men falling for looks.
Because all you should care about is finding YOUR Mr. Right.
The one who sees you as the “prize-to-be-won” and who in his eyes, you possess the beauty to behold.
IN OTHER WORDS: create your dating profile to attract the ONE right fish, the ONE loyal customer… YOUR Mr. Right.