Since I know you don’t want to waste your time, energy or money on useless tips today’s Evan Marc Katz reviews post offers you a detailed overview of his eBook Believe in Love. Evan’s team sent me a copy to review (the benefits of owning a website).
Now I don’t want to jump ahead too much, but I just finished reading the book minutes ago and I am on fire. His book inspired me to feel confident about true love.
“Believe in Love”
Evan Marc Katz
Overall Score
Instant eBook and MP3 Downloads
- Believe in Love Main eBook (241 pages)
- Workbook (65 pages)
- Believe in Love (MP3 Audio)
- “Meeting Men in Real Life” (MP3 Audio)
- “Flirting” (MP3 Audio)
- “Staying Cool” (MPS Audio)
Who is Evan Marc Katz?
- Online Dating/Relationship Evan Marc Katz proclaims to advise strong, successful, smart women how to understand and connect with men.
- He boasts over 9 million blog readers, 50K plus newsletter subscribers and 50k plus FB followers.
- Authored several other popular dating books including, “I Can’t Believe I’m Buying This Book”: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating” and “Why You’re Still Single?”
- Appeared on multiple mainstream media channels such as CNN, Times Magazine and New York Times
- Launched his own dating profile writing website.
- Provides limited, exclusive one-on-one, personal coaching
Who Probably Will NOT Benefit from Reading “Believe in Love”?
- You have NOT reached the breaking point that you miss romantic dinners and male companionship.
- There’s just no time for dating right now (at least you do not want to make the time).
- The fear of emotional pain outweighs your desire to take one step forward to gain insight into the male mind.
- You’re just looking, passing by.
- Perhaps you still feel confused about what you want to do and are not ready to do anything. You can wait longer.
- You believe God alone will lead you to your next partner (hey, maybe he lead you to read this book).
- The emotional pain from the last relationships still hovers over you like a black cloud and haunts you. “Love is not in my cards (at least right now),” you think to yourself.
- You expect your soulmate to just show up and you are not willing to “meet him half way” by taking any action.
If this describes you then you will only waste your time and energy reading this review of Believe in Love by online relationship coach Evan Marc Katz. I recommend you click the back button.
Who Could Benefit from Reading Believe in Love?
- You’ve lost precious years in relationships with men who did not end up committing to marriage.
- Work and activities provide you a distraction from the pain of loneliness, but they are not enough.
- ALL your friends, co-workers and relatives have a partner.
- Deep inside you are romantic at heart although you hide it.
- Most things in life follow an easy-to-understand pattern EXCEPT men.
- Time slips away, you fear growing old alone.
- You want hope that you still have a shot to find Mr. Right.
- You finally reached the breaking point and are flexible to find a compatible man to spend romantic evenings with and open to suggestions how to find a him.
If this list describes how you feel then you might just be another one of the thousands of independent women who benefits from purchasing and taking action from Evan Marc Katz book Believe in Love.
I recommend you finish reading this review then decide if this dating resource will benefit your situation and circumstances.
Unique Value Proposition
7-Step-Action Plan to Let Go of the Past, Embrace the Present, and Date with Confidence (more details farther down on this review- keep reading).
Evan Marc Katz proclaims right on his website that,
I am not exaggerating when I say that women have turned their lives around just by hearing one metaphor that turned dating from unbearable into fun. – Evan Marc Katz
$197 Limited Time Discount Currently Offered
100% “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee (90 days)
Reply to Evan’s email confirmation you receive after downloading his book, write “refund book” in your reply message, and he will refund you the full amount, no questions asked, provided that you issue your request within 90 days of purchase.
Brief Description and Opinion
Evan’s book Believe in Love is more than a passive eBook. Each section cross references action steps to take in the free included eWorkbook. This ensures you will accomplish the objectives of the eBook- find a compatible man who offers unconditional love.
He allows for breaks in the readings to reflect on your feelings of current and past experiences that allow you to maintain a clear, positive dating mindset.
His 7 step action plan follows a sequence to break your patterns that kept you in dead-end relationships and to start dating the men who will provide long-term happiness instead.
If you decide to purchase and take the advice outlined in the book and bonus audios then you will have a better idea of what a “waste-of-time” man looks like versus a “keeper”.
Above all after reading Believe in Love you will gain the hope and confidence that you will find your soul mate if you are willing to take the steps to do it.
Overall Score
Limited Time Discount Offered on Believe in Love
[Click here] to download a copy of Evan Marc Katz’ Believe in Love Package + Bonuses.
I Want to Purchase Believe in Love
You are a strong, independent woman who knows success. Understanding the business world comes natural to you. You’ve developed the high-level people skills required to advance in your career.
Why is it that men are difficult to read?
Now of course you certainly do not NEED a man, but you miss the romance and companionship a boyfriend or husband can provide.
Sure nights out at the local wine bar with the girls, a vigorous gym workout and a philosophical, thought-provoking book at midnight by the window provide a good wind down after a tough work week.
You miss love.
However, you don’t miss the pain of the “disappearing boyfriend” or simply investing years in a dead-end relationship.
You know I launched this website more to help provide emotional support to betrayed husbands and wives who lived the horror of a cheating spouse.
I experienced that horror first hand too.
My ex-spouse cheated on me.
I will not let that past bad relationship experience stop me from believing there’s someone special out there that will offer UNCONDITIONAL love- the same I will offer in return. I will not let my ex ruin that dream.- Orlando (me, owner of this website)
You shouldn’t let past bad experiences ruin your dream either, right?!
After reading the copy of Believe in Love that Evan Marc Katz team sent me I will take the opportunity to point out both the useful advice and concepts as well as in my opinion what could be better.Benefits Evan Marc Katz Claims You Should Expect from Taking Action from his Believe in Love […Within the NEXT FEW DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS]
- Finally let go emotionally of the guy who broke your heart.
- Attract high-quality men (not more commitment phobes or players).
- Learn how to instruct men how to treat you the way you deserve.
- Understand how to make men qualify for you (not the other way around).
- When the wrong guy (incompatible guy) enters your life, you do not attach yourself emotionally to him (instead you find the right man who enjoys taking you out).
- You learn the skills to successfully encounter the man who treats you respectfully and WANTS to commit to you. (A boyfriend).
What I Like and Don’t Like About Believe in Love by Evan Marc Katz
Nothing is perfect. This book is no exception. I would highly recommend reading his other books and subscribing to his email newsletter.
One book simply does not provide all the answers, but Believe in Love can help you end your loneliness in its tracks and set you in motion to find the man who will bring you happiness.
- Successful dating examples from his personal coaching.
- Detailed well-thought out testimonials from current Evan Marc Katz coaching clients.
- Quick, easy to process “Top 5 Takeaways” at the end of each of the 7 Steps
- The included workbook which helps boost your confidence to take action both in online dating courtship and the real date world.
- The fill-in exercises after important, mind shifting lessons which help you gain a positive mindset that attracts quality men to you.
- Evan’s concepts and the mindset empower you to take control of your love life which guarantees finding the right guy for you. You cannot help, but believe you will succeed and be happy soon.
- His truthfulness. No candy coating. Candy coating days are over. That’s what your sympathetic friends were for. Now you are here reading this review. That alone means you are ready to move away from loneliness. You are ready to find your right match.
- Evan Marc Katz Believe in Love does not allow you to accept second best treatment from men any longer. I can only imagine the positive results his personal coaching would provide.
- The “Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone” Exercise on pages 209-211 spells out a action-oriented way to find your soul mate.
- While I fully believe changing mindset sets the stage to take action, I would have liked to see more actually tips for what to do on dates and during courtship.
- I feel the book was longer that needed. It’s good to expand upon your thoughts, but you start to get tired when there’s too much material.
- I would have liked more advice what to do and less what not to do, but that’s what the bonus books are for.
Read or scan over the next few “Inside-Glance” looks at the content you will read after you purchase Evan Marc Katz “Believe in Love“.
Click Here to download a copy.
Top 14 Evan Marc Katz Dating Mind Shifts to Avoid More Bad Relationships in Believe in Love
1. The Poker Hand Metaphor (p. 18-19)
During your evaluation process of a man you meet (how does he come across on his online profile, in his emails, how he treats you on the first date, etc.) you’re better off dropping him to avoid months or years of frustration in a dead-end relationship.
2. Let Him Walk (p. 22)
The man who disappears (never calls back, does not ask you out on more dates) was never meant to be your future husband. He’s doing you a favor by eliminating himself from your future husband option pool.
3. Drug Metaphor (p 29)
Booty calls with the man you will never marry are like addictive drugs. Each time you take the drug just “one last time” you restart the addiction and take longer to get clean.
4. It’s called a break up because it’s broken. (p. 28)
5. A man who doesn’t want to be your boyfriend certainly won’t make a good husband. Let go of the passionate, but noncommittal man. (p. 29)
6. A good man does not always make him a good boyfriend. Reconsider your “ideal man” checklists .(p. 29)
7. Be wary of passion. Passion can keep you in relationships where you give much more than you receive, you fight all the time and you don’t feel safe. (p. 40)
8. Failure and frustration are built into the process of wanting the most from life. Reality is you may have to date several men before you find the one worthy of satisfying you for a lifetime. (p. 50)
9. The Mythological Perfect Guy
Quote: (Unless you find) the 6’5”, sensitive, soulful, wavy-haired neurosurgeon who flies his own private jet, cooks gourmet dinners, and is at home by 5:30 to play with the kids, then you should remain single. (p. 54)
10. **The Right Man WILL Eventually Come Along Mantra (p. 65)
(I cannot just copy this from Evan’s book, but once you read from page 65 I suggest you print it and tape it to your bathroom mirror and recite it every day.
In summary, it helps you adopt the mindset the next man who WILL become your boyfriend will come when he comes. When he does he will be the one who offers you unconditional love and likes you for who you are.)
11. The Cinderella Metaphor (p. 70)
“Try on different glass slippers until one of them fits. If it doesn’t fit, you don’t think your foot is unworthy or get angry with the slipper. You try another one on.”
12. Formula to Remain Happy While Single (p. 72-73)
See how to adopt an optimistic view of the dating process, to avoid sabotaging yourself with negative judgment, not letting your perception of other’s judgment bring you down and offering generosity. This is part of the list of the attributes Evan shares to enjoy your life while you wait for Mr. Right to come along.
13. List of Unique Benefits a Boyfriend Brings that NO Friend Can (p. 79-80)
Yes, you’ve experienced bad relationships and bad dates that you’d like to forget. You tell your friends you don’t need men, but let’s face it, for some things, a friend is not replacement for a relationship.
14. Open House Metaphor (p. 128)
If you were house shopping and walking through a peaceful, pretty neighborhood which house would you want to peek inside? One of the better dating metaphors I’ve come across. You’ll find it on page 128.
“Yes, I Want to Read Believe in Love Now.”
Top 12 Evan Marc Katz Suggestions from Believe in Love to Avoid Non-Husband Material and Spot Mr. Right
(Prevent Wasting Years of Frustration and Relationship Chaos)
1. Find a guy who is interested in you, treats you well, and wants to date you exclusively, THEN figure if he has the qualities and attributes worth making a lifetime commitment to. (p. 44)
2. Top priority in your future husband- his unconditional love. Do you want anything less? (p. 22)
3. Do NOT stay friends with an ex. He’s an ex for a reason and any contact will pull you emotionally back into a trap so you relive the pain once again. (p. 27)
4. Don’t take weeks to break up. Take minutes or pay the price of weeks or months of heart ache. (p. 24)
5. Bad moments don’t make a bad person. Be flexible. Even good men make mistakes on dates. (p. 86)
6. If you find yourself in an (exciting) relationship, but you feel severe anxiety- get out! That’s not love, it’s infatuation. (p. 112)
7. Traits of a Future Husband (p.113)
On page 113 Evan lists the two husband-material attributes most women judge men on, but will only lead to misery. Instead he offers his list of what makes for a good long-term partner.
8. [I like this new mind shift] Do not settle for crumbs (even if he’s hot). Instead look for and wait for the man who makes you feel consistently cherished every single day. 🙂 (p. 126)
9. The Real Secret of the “Law of Attraction” (p. 131)
It’s not what you think and it’s what all happily married women did, and what practically all women who have spent time with the wrong men do. You’ll find the secret on page 131 of “Believe in Love”.
10. Quote- “Nothing on the planet is sexier than a woman who knows she’s in control. Your sly smile. The glint in your eyes. The hair-twirling, eye lowering, and lip-licking that completely holds us rapt.”– Evan Marc Katz (p. 181) (completely fascinated by what one is seeing).
11. The Six Dating Decision-Making Concepts to Guarantee Future Success (p. 136-176)
These concepts have haunted you and many women who feel lonely and have not dated for some time.
12. My #1 Favorite Concept that I Have Lived By for Years…and how Evan Marc Katz applies it to dating (p. 186-189)
Evan’s Top 17 Tips to Reverse Negative Thinking and Bring Hope Back that True Love Awaits You
1. Being critical, busy, aloof, difficult, anxious, emasculating or insecure are some of the major reasons men run away. (p. 21)
2. Women who do not block negativity about dating (and don’t trust men) do not make fun dates for men. On page 87 Evan Marc Katz places you in a man’s shoes. Realize just like you may group all men as the same (liars, cheaters, players, etc.), women too come across that way for men. (p. 87)
3. Being single isn’t a flaw or social stigma, instead it’s a temporary situation. (p. 62)
4. Stop fearing the pain of dating failure. Instead rethink the process. What is dating? First, you meet a new man for few drinks to see if you have fun. If you do, you go out again. If not, you don’t. (p. 108)
5. The Bigger Picture of Fear of Failure
Which do you fear more? Fear of writing an email to man from an online profile and he doesn’t reply? Or do you fear remaining alone forever because you didn’t try to find love? (p. 110)
When you struggle with scarcity, your mind is intensely occupied, even taken over, by what you lack—which is why it’s possible to be too obsessed with falling in love, finding Mr. Right, and choosing the perfect guy.- Evan Marc Katz
6. Fact is most men will NOT make good future husbands. Be thankful they don’t work out. (p. 114)
7. Theory of Abundance (in Dating) (p. 123)
There’s one of you but there are MILLIONS of men. Don’t give your heart to any one guy until he earns it. (p. 121)
8. Theory of Scarcity (in Dating) (p. 124)
Treating one undeserving man like he’s the last one on earth all because you fear starting over or that you can’t do better.
***PAGE 124 is a MUST READ.
Evan Marc Katz goes into deeper detail about how the scarcity mindset. This is perhaps the most controlling negative trap you experience now in dating. This part of the eBook is ESSENTIAL to read. Since I too currently struggle with fear of being alone after two failed long-term relationships, I must say this section opened my eyes.
9. Would You Date this Man?
If a man put his guard up out of fear of rejection from past dates then acted uptight, anxious and needy instead of confident, fun and happy, would you go on another date with him? Get excited to experience fun dates and men. Don’t sabotage your own efforts.
10. Do you give to men what you expect to receive?
You want a man to be less defensive, be empathetic of your feelings and provide unconditionally love. Will you do the same in return? (p. 172)
11. Jealousy of Your Married Friends
It’s dangerous to fantasize about your married friends’ lives when you do not walk in their shoes, think their thoughts and live through their challenges. (p. 175)
12. A Win-Win Solution to Happiness…you can’t lose (p. 185)
13. “You’re the CEO. He’s the Intern” Metaphor (p. 196-200)
How confidence leads to success and less frustration and worry in dating.
14. Inevitable Thinking (p. 212-217)
Evan Marc Katz relates his lesson from marketing master Eben Pagan’s systematic approach of achieving goals to dating.
15. It’s Not Knowledge, It’s Action- the 8 To-Do Dating Steps and 8 Dating Not-to-Do Steps
16. Small Wins Lead to Big Success (p. 222-223)
When dating and love seem overwhelming and exhausting find out how to rely on small successes to guide you to the end goal- finding a husband.
17. The How to Date with Perspective, Self-Respect and Confidence (p. 235-236)
Read over this checklist regularly, live by it and you will acquire the mindset and skills to guarantee success.
Click Here to Download on Evan’s secure website.
How Evan Claims the Believe in Love [Bonus Gifts] Will Help You Achieve Dating Success and Have Fun Again
Bonus #1: “Meet Men in Real Life” (MP3 Audio)
- Learn to flirt with men at the supermarket and other public places and lure them to you.
- Discover why you should NOT make the first move, but discover what attracts men to make the first move.
- Read what men feel about flirtatious women and what may surprise you about it.
- How to find time for dating even if you are a mother or busy executive.
Bonus #2: “Flirting” (MP3 Audio)
- Learn effective flirtatious texting techniques to leave him dreaming of you when you’re apart.
- Find out how maintain control in every circumstance, earn respect and not “lead him on” or be a “tease”.
- A simple trick to get men to approach you at a bar or party.
- How to present yourself confidently and in control in front of handsome, attractive men (intead of coming across needy and clingy).
- How to change your flirt techniques with alpha males.
- Make the office hottie fall over himself in anxiety to ask you out.
- Why to flirt respectfully, have fun and why it’s the MOST important key to attract quality men.
Bonus #3: “Staying Cool” (MP3 Audio)
- Get him to CHASE YOU. Learn to stop chasing.
- Why your dating rules do not protect you from emotional pain, instead they prevent you from falling in love.
- Prepare yourself for the first few weeks of dating a man so he calls back, texts you, ask you out and how not to feel desperate and clingy.
- Why worrying about the future sabotages your relationship.
- Understand what makes most men want to commit to a long-term relationship.
- How opening up and making yourself vulnerable attracts you to him and how the opposite happens when you protect yourself “close up”.
- Find out the mindset to get over guys who don’t stick around and not let it bother you.
- Discover the power of the “Mirroring” technique to match his behavior with warmth, appreciation and enthusiasm.
- Why make saying “yes” more often sets you up to earn respect for when you say “no”.
Evan Marc Katz 7 Step Dating Success Action Plan
[The Steps and 2 Inside Sneak Peeks from Each]
How will it Bring Romance Back into Your Life?
Step 1: Let Go of the Past
How to stop torturing yourself about your ex by separating the fantasy from the reality that he’s really not worth fantasizing about.
What you should seek in your next partner BEFORE falling for him.
Step 2: Set Realistic Expectations
Learn why paying attention to his Red Flags rather than ignoring him could save you years of frustration in dead-end relationship and painful heartache.
Evan’s Cinderella metaphor that he says many women have told him changed their dating lives completely around.
Step 3: Overcome Negativity
How your attitude towards him actually transforms him into the man you want him to be.
How sympathy results the type of men who you attract.
Step 4: Defeat Your Fear of Failure
How to challenge men and inspire them to earn your respect.
The Open House Metaphor. An inside peek to a man’s mind to see which qualities men value the most in women.
Step 5: Reframe Your Beliefs
Why you must leave the relationship immediately when men show lack of respect.
Learn how to let go, put down your guard and watch how the right man will prioritize you first.
Step 6: Carry Yourself with Confidence
How to inspire a man to want to give you his best and to commit.
Find your swagger. Never sweat over if a man likes you or not.
Step 7: Take Action Now
How to set yourself on the path to guarantee eventual success. (It’s only a matter of time before you meet Mr. Right- no longer an “if”).
A metaphor that illustrates you already have all the tools you need to find love.
Ready for a shock of reality?
This book will not provide you with a magic pill.
Your soulmate will not just appear in your life. Finding true love will not be like the movies you love and cry over while tucked away alone in bed.
Evan Marc Katz eBook “Believe in Love” will inject a new life and hope. He will inspire you to believe that you still are quite the catch. You will see why many men right now would rush to your side to ask you out on a date.
He will help you construct your “Husband Material Radar” and help you vanish your recurring, self-sabotaging negative thoughts about yourself and love.
You will not want to settle for second best or “man crumbs” after finishing all 241 pages and the accompanying bonus audios.
His Dating Challenge and Date Rating Scale will lead you from action to finally finding your soulmate (if you follow the plan of course).
Ready to Purchase Believe in Love?