You’ve heard of “the Hero Instinct”, but what is it?
And how can it help you to better connect with men?
Well, would you like to own a master key to practically any man’s heart?
Check it out, here’s how you can…
Men love feeling like heroes, even in the most minor of ways. Heroes from our male perspective, that is.
And you can tap into this DNA-ingrained emotion by triggering his hero instinct.
Learn to understand it.
Then practice it.
Master it.
And you will capture his heart and have him wrapped around your finger.
The hero instinct works for all relationship stages: attraction, courtship, dating and in committed relationships too.
What Is the Hero Instinct?
The concept goes back to the beginning of time, which suggests that as men, we love to feel like rescuers, providers and protectors.
These make up core needs that help us feel important to women and to feel needed.
The name itself, “the hero instinct”, though, comes from a relationship eBook created by dating coach James Bauer called “His Secret Obsession“. (You can read my detailed “His Secret Obsession” review here).
(If it looks like an eBook you’d like to purchase then access these 7 bonuses of mine with the purchase of His Secret Obsession.) [Click here] for details on bonuses.
Basically “the hero instinct” suggests that us men cannot resist helping a “damsel in distress”, or even when she’s not actually in distress- which is most of the time.
We just want to feel a connection with you.
And to experience that feeling, we will rush to your aid, regardless of how big or small the deed is.
Therefore, “the hero instinct” does not refer to us men acting as actual superheroes like Spiderman, Superman or Ironman.
No, rather it simply refers to us doing something for you without an expectation of receiving anything in return, other than a gesture of appreciation.
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Why Does the Hero Instinct Work?
Because once we feel that you appreciate our efforts, we often times will do whatever it takes to make you feel happy or safe….
…especially if you associate those feelings with something we did to help you and…
… even more so, if we sense that a connection or an attraction is building up between us both.
You probably will view many “hero deeds” as simple, trite or old-fashioned, even at times, they may seem to stroke his ego a little more than you’re comfortable with.
However, if you can swallow your pride, master your understanding of the power of “the hero instinct” and then actually put the concept into to everyday practice, you will create your own a key to his heart.
On the other hand, deny these deeds’ effectiveness and misinterpret that his actions are intended to act macho or even to manipulate you…
and you will completely miss the point.
And worse, miss out on the easiest and fastest way to capture his heart.
Just think, how would it feel to be your own Cupid with a set of bow and arrows you can shoot right into his heart?
Let’s take a quick look at three types of hero deeds.
Simple, Old Fashioned Hero Deeds
- Opening the door for you
- Lifting a heavy object
- Pulling down an object from a high shelf
- Lending you our coat on a cold day
- Walking you to your car at night after work
- Sharing our umbrella drawing a rainy day
- Picking up an item that you dropped
I know, I know, very old school with a splash of corny, right? But I beg you to focus on his intentions to please you and his need to perform one of his roles (rescuer, provider or protector).
These simply point to signs of his affection for you.
Advice-Based Hero Deeds
- Offering you suggestions to improve your resume or cover letter
- Giving you recommendations for dining locations, bars or entertainment spots to go with your friends
- Suggestions for your next car, laptop, or phone purchase
- Networking to get you a connection for your dream job or to obtain a new business account
- Sharing a recipe for a dish you want to make but never have
- Offering a technique to perform a task at work more efficiently
- Revealing interpersonal communication techniques to deal with difficult people
These indicate signs he wants to feel useful to you and to simply pitch in and help.
Special Treatment Hero Deeds We Provide to Make You Happy
- Getting you spontaneous, unexpected gifts
- Gifts for special occasions
- Personalized gifts
- Gifts based on your preferences
- Detail-planned date
- Hand-written note expressing his admiration of you
- Preparing a homemade meal for you
- Doing a household chore for you
- Fixing something for you
- Doing a shopping run for you (especially when picking up medicine)
These are more signs of his affection that he is willing to make his self vulnerable and put your needs first above his own.
And now let’s look at how you can take advantage of these deeds, and others like them, to become irresistible to him and capture his heart.
5 Reasons “the Hero Instinct” Transforms You into an Irresistible Goddess to Him
The hero instinct is real.
This is not an article meant to entertain you.
This is the number one male attraction trigger that has effectively roped many a man into a woman’s life, including myself.
No, it won’t turn every man into your boyfriend or husband, but it definitely will get his attention and make him want to earn your appreciation and affection, and in some cases against his will.
The women who have the most success with capturing men’s hearts naturally understand how to trigger “the hero instinct”.
The women who fear stroking a man’s ego a little and therefore neglect taking advantage of this emotional trigger, lose out on connecting with men on a deeper level.
My suggestion is only use it on respectful, relationship-minded men who have your best interests at heart.
Looking for a way to connect with men on a deep emotional level?
Here’s a great start.
We desire to feel connected to you, appreciated and adored by you. And that’s why we will do any of the following…
1. Use Our Specialized Skills or Expertise to Help You Solve a Problem
We want to put our specialized skills to good use. And when we can help you solve a problem or to improve a situation for you, it only makes us feel better about the unique skill that we possess. Helping you gives us more motivation to be better at what we do.
Here’s an example.
Let’s say I have connections with real estate agents. And a woman I am attracted to, or even a woman who I am already dating, wants to get into real estate as a career. If I help connect her to people who can help her get started, then no matter what, I have created a win-win situation for myself.
Regardless of the outcome, I will have a lasting impact on her and, thus feel like an important piece in her life.
Therefore, my suggestion to you is to learn what his areas of expertise and specialized skills are. Then ask him for help.
2. Offer You Our Coat During a Cold Day
Whether this happens during a date or after we are in a committed relationship, allowing us the opportunity to sacrifice our own comfort for yours makes us feel like heroes. Feeling like a protector is one of our primal needs and we will do anything to protect the women we care about.
Feeling like a protector can also jumpstart attraction towards a woman we never even noticed. So, if a man offers to give you his coat, and you like him, take it, thank him for it and tell him how special of a gentleman he is. Then watch how his face lights up.
3. Fix Something for You
This could be something as small as filling the air in your tires or as big as shopping for computer parts to make your laptop faster and more efficient.
Either way, men will fall over themselves to solve problems for women.
Fixing problems is a core need for men, especially when it comes time to helping women.
We want to feel like we have a purpose. Having a purpose makes us feel needed.
Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of this core need of ours to fix problems.
Trigger his hero instinct by looking for even the smallest problems that he could help you fix just as an excuse to connect with him.
He will adore you or letting him help.
4. Bring You Gifts for Any Kind of Occasion
We only take gifts to people we find very special, and there’s no one we enjoy taking gifts to more than women.
It takes planning and effort to bring someone a gift.
Because of that he decides to put himself in a very vulnerable position, one in which he faces possible rejection.
And nothing is more humiliating than going out of your way to make someone happy and then get rejected on top of it.
Therefore, if you receive a gift, and assuming you like the guy, make sure that you show your appreciation and that you recognized his effort to make you happy.
He wants to know that he brings a smile to your face.
Furthermore, if you want him to bring you a gift then you can hint at things that you would like to receive.
Gifts connect us to women probably more than anything else because of the time, energy, financial, and above all emotional sacrifice that we make.
5. Personalizing … Anything!
When he goes the extra mile to personalize the experience for you, based on your preferences and needs, and seemingly does so without any expectation of something in return, you know that you have a keeper.
If he does extra planning for a date, writes you a careful, well-thought note or takes extra steps to find the perfect gift for you, then you should go the extra step to express your appreciation of his effort.
Take it a step even further by expressing that you recognize his attention to detail and his effort to make you feel unique and special.
On the other hand, he may not have even considered how paying extra attention to the details and thus how personalizing the experience for you can increase your attraction in him.
Therefore, realize that you could make him aware of it by influencing and “training” him to seek opportunities to pay attention to the details to help you both bond.
And trust me, he will appreciate it because then he won’t have to guess how to make you happy.
Simply reward him anytime he remembers details by praising him.
Or you can even hint at the things that make you happy.
“What really makes me happy is when I’m…”
This method of triggering his “hero instinct” to make you happy can work to help you get a man’s attention and attract him to you, or during courtship but especially in a committed relationship.
Summary of The Hero Instinct and How to Become Irresistible to Him
The bottom line is that we feel connected to you, appreciated and adored by you when feel that you need us.
Please do not misinterpret our actions as saying that you cannot take care of yourself or that you even actually do need us, rather look into our hearts at our intentions.
We only go out of our way to make women happy who we find unique and special.
More specifically, we go out of our way to protect, provide for, assist or do anything sweet for the women who make us feel good about efforts and also make us happy.
We will commit long-term to a woman who likes us for who we are without having to change us.
We fall in love with the women who allow us to be the best version of ourselves and appreciate our efforts without shaming us or misinterpreting our actions as a manipulative.
Men fall in love with women who look for the good in them not look for the bad and treat men like they are going to hurt them.
Want to learn how to master the skill of triggering the “hero instinct” in the men you like?
[Click here] to read my review of the most mind-blowing, male-mind hack dating guide I have discovered to date “His Secret Obsession” by dating coach James Bauer.
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