When I discovered all the calls my now ex-wife made to her long-distance boyfriend I wish I had access to the Infidelity Recovery Center.
It didn’t exist.
Instead I dropped $150 on two eBooks, which yes helped, but for the same money I could have received a lot more.
Fast forward to now and Dr. Huizenga’s recently updated Infidelity Recovery Center even offers a free level membership that anyone who suffers from an affair should access.
In fact, one of those eBooks, “Break Free from the Affair” comes included in Level 3 of the 5.
It doesn’t matter if you just found out your spouse cheated or if your D-day happened a long time ago and you still feel emotionally stuck in the same spot.
Hands down I have not come across a more user-friendly affair recovery system than this.
I can only imagine how much faster I could have found peace if I had the instant access that these modules now offer back when I scanned through the phone records and found all her calls to the other guy.
At the minimum you should create a user name and password to access the first free level out of five that the Infidelity Recovery Center offers.
But before you just commit to the free level read my in-depth, PROs/CONs review that will give you the opportunity to decide on your own what you want to do.
I even include screen shots.
Overview of Dr. Huizenga’s Infidelity Recovery Center
Name of Program
The Infidelity Recovery Center
• Dr. Huizenga, Infidelity and Marriage Coach for Individuals and Couples
• Author of “Break Free from the Affair”, “Save Your Marriage: 3 Easy Love Laws”
• Has worked with hundreds of couples and thousands of individuals experiencing individual and marital problems (such as affairs)
• Membership Site, access via username and password
• Mobile Friendly
Contents by Level
Level 1: Free Introductory Level
[Click here to jump to more details further down on page.]
Common Questions Answered by Dr. Huizenga Module
Free Downloads:
• 7 Types of Affairs Cheat Sheet
• Cheater, Cheater, Affair Repeater
• Q&A with Dr. Huizenga
• Overcome Barriers to Resolving Your Crisis
• Resolution of Your Marital Crisis
Q & A Sessions:
• Listen and watch the live Q & A Sessions
• Listen to Dr. Huizenga Discuss the Lead Topic
• Preview Questions Asked During the Session
• Download the Audio of the Session to Your Listening Device
Level 2: 48 Hour Infidelity Boot Camp (plus includes Level 1)
[Click here to jump to more information further down on page.]
• Welcome to 48 Hour Infidelity Boot Camp
• Getting the Most Out of the Boot Camp (Video)
• Let’s Keep Connected (Video)
• Begin to Identify your Type of Affair (Video)
• 14 Ways to Calm Yourself (PDF)
• Are You Making One (or ALL) of the 6 Killer Mistakes? (PDF)
• Identifying the Changes you are Making Now (PDF)
• Evaluating Boot Camp: Questions to Ask Yourself (PDF)
Level 3: Affair Recovery
[Click here to jump to more information further down on page.]
Break Free from the Affair eBook
Bonus eBooks
• How to Get Over It for Good
• The Cheating Spouse Guide
• Keep Your Marriage
Facebook Support Group Link
Level 4: Advanced Affair Recovery
[Click here to jump to more information further down on page.]
7 Types of Affairs Modules (Videos and PDFs)
• Affair #1: My Marriage Made Me Do It
• Affair #2: I Can’t Say No
• Affair #3: I Don’t Want to Say No
• Affair #4: I Fell Out of Love and Just Being in Love
• Affair #5: I Want to Get Back at Him/Her (Revenge Affair)
• Affair #6: I Need to Prove My Desirability
• Affair #7: I Want to Be Close to Someone…but Can’t Stand Intimacy
17 Real-time Coaching Audios
• How Can I Compete with a 29 Year Old Blond Bombshell?
• How Do I Pull The Plug When I Care So Much?
• Why is He with a Drama Queen?
• Meeting His/Her Needs Won’t Work with a Narcissist
• How Does He Flip the Intimacy Switch?
• How do I Get Him to Talk?
• You will NEVER Go Back to the Bliss
• Rebuilding Trust with a Husband who Needs “Juice”
• Banishing Him to the Basement Works
• Rage or Revenge Affair?
• Emotionally Battered and Bruised by a Rage Affair
• Self Esteem and Eric’s Wife’s Predator
• A Turning Point Changes Your World
• Broken Promises. Broken Spirit. Broken Body
• Overwhelm! Questions! Should I Date?
• I Want to Be Wanted: Infidelity and Breast Cancer
• Crazy Behavior Addresses Craziness
Tool Box (6 PDFs)
1. Change Your Marriage Now
2. Dare to Be Honest
3. Appting
4. Find Your Lasting Emotional Connection without Losing Your Freedom or Power
5. Love 101
6. How to Get Your Personal Needs Met
From Discovery to Recovery (eBook)
• 4 Predictable Stages on your Journey and Resources for Each Stage
The First Steps in Surviving Infidelity (eBook)
• The First Step in Surviving Infidelity: From Basket-case to Making Your
Spouse Blink
Confronting the Other Person (eBook)
• The Risks and Rewards of Confronting the Other Person: A Strategy that May
Shake His/Her World (eBook)
Should I Spy? (eBook)
• Should I Spy?
Level 5: Personal Coaching with Dr. Huizenga
[Click here to jump to more information further down on page.]
• Four sessions of 30 minutes each with Dr. Huizenga via Skype or phone
Money-back Guarantee
30-day money back guarantee with no questions asked, cancel and receive refund via email, contact form or phone
My experience is that he personally responds fast and so do his assistants
My Opinion and Score
Before you purchase Dr. Huizenga’s infamous eBook Break Free from the Affair thoroughly scan the contents of Levels 3 and 4.
For a minimal upgrade you receive the eBook and all Dr. Huizenga’s other affair survival eBooks plus videos and audios from his personal coaching and Q and A webinar sessions.
Dr. H created a user-friendly website with everything housed in the same spot which made accessing the videos and audios more convenient.
His usual no-nonsense, straight forward advice throughout his resources in the IRC will help you recover faster. The time-tested advice in the included eBooks, videos, audios and short PDFs can guide you to restore your confidence and extinguish the emotional pain from the shock of the affair in days or weeks if you take the suggestions and use them.
The main benefits of the new Infidelity Recovery Center are as follows:
• The packaging of multiple resources in one convenient retrieval system.
• Pricing advantageous over purchasing the included eBooks separately.
• Accessibility from multiple devices including the ability to view the center and its contents from your phone.
Please note that the new IRC will not perform miracles. It will not work for everyone.
It takes two people in the relationship to rebuild a marriage and it takes someone who truly wants to get over the emotional pain to allow the advice to help them succeed.
My Score
Continue reading my review below or…
…visit Dr. Huizenga’s information page now to gain free Level 1 access or upgrade to Levels 2-5.
Who Benefits Most from the Infidelity Recovery Center
- Someone who wants instant access to various kinds of affair recovery resources (short PDF reports, eBooks, videos, audios, and online workbooks).
- Affair victims who seek self-healing therapy. The Infidelity Recovery Center focuses heavily on self-therapy, primarily how to shift from blaming yourself for the affair to stop the pain.
- If you seek guidance to help you decide whether to stay married or leave.
- For people who will take action from the modules of how to approach their cheating spouse with objective to stop the affair and reconnect with them.
- If you would like to test some resources on your own before hiring a psychologist.
Who Will NOT Benefit from the Infidelity Recovery Center
- If you cannot get over the fact that your spouse cheated. You’re in denial.
- Someone who will only read and watch the resources, but will not take action.
- If your spouse shows absolutely no remorse and cannot stop cheating.
- The Infidelity Recovery Center will not help you if your spouse physically abuses you.
[Sneak Peek] of The Infidelity Recovery Center: Breakdown of Modules Levels 1-4
Level 1: Free Introductory Level
How to Access this Membership Level
Obtain free access to this module at the bottom of the IRC information page.
Click Here to redirect to the page, then scroll down to the bottom as shown in image here:
Brief Description
Anyone who seeks help to recover from an affair should access this free level. The best parts of this module are the Q and A PDF download and the recorded videos and audios of Dr. Huizenga’s weekly Q and A sessions. The videos come from live webinars with other people affected by affairs who ask questions directly to Dr. Huizenga.
These videos will answer many questions you seek answers too and are good enough that he could sell them. Instead you can get them for no charge.
The other downloads serve as good introductions to his eBooks, which are sold individually or in Levels 3 and 4.
What’s Included in This Infidelity Recovery Center Module
Access to Instant Downloads…
Access to Recorded Question and Answer Sessions…
Common Questions Answered by Dr. Huizenga
Free Downloads:
- 7 Types of Affairs Cheat Sheet
- Cheater, Cheater, Affair Repeater
- Q&A with Dr. Huizenga
- Overcome Barriers to Resolving Your Crisis
- Resolution of Your Marital Crisis
Q & A Sessions:
- Listen and watch the live Q & A Sessions
- Listen to Dr. Huizenga Discuss the Lead Topic
- Preview Questions Asked During the Session
- Download the Audio of the Session to Your Listening Device
Level 2: 48-Hour Infidelity Boot Camp (plus Level 1)
How to Access this Membership Level
Obtain access to this module at the bottom of the IRC information page.
Click Here to redirect to the page, then scroll down to the bottom as shown in the image here below…
Brief Description
It includes everything in Level 1 and serves as an upgrade to it. The 48-Hour Infidelity Boot Camp normally sells for $27 but if you purchase Level 3 access it comes included.
For $27 you get quite a bit of help in a short amount of time to take control of your raging emotions and take your first steps towards recovery. It includes everything in the first two levels.
It contains 3 videos and 4 PDFs.
Dr. Huizenga’s boot camp claims to achieve a 80% success rate- without the help of the higher modules!
Without the boot camp you may find it difficult to simultaneously manage your pain while also give yourself the best chance to reconnect with your spouse.
Many people who suffer from affairs lash out at their spouses which in turn pushes them further away.
I can tell you from first-hand experience that you could push them away forever.
The best pieces to the Level 2 module are the video to help you determine what kind of affair your spouse committed and the PDF to aid you in managing your emotions.
What’s Included in This Infidelity Recovery Center Module
Image of 48 Hour Boot Camp…
After opening the image link to the 48 Hour Boot Camp this is what you see…
- Welcome to 48 Hour Infidelity Boot Camp
- Getting the Most Out of the Boot Camp (Video)
- Let’s Keep Connected (Video)
- Begin to Identify your Type of Affair (Video)
- 14 Ways to Calm Yourself (PDF)
- Are You Making One (or ALL) of the 6 Killer Mistakes? (PDF)
- Identifying the Changes you are Making Now (PDF)
- Evaluating Boot Camp: Questions to Ask Yourself (PDF)
Level 3: Affair Recovery
How to Access this Membership Level
Obtain access to this module at the bottom of the IRC information page.
Click Here to redirect to the page, then scroll down to the bottom.
Brief Description
It includes everything in Levels 1 and 2, but also includes Dr. Huizenga’s infamous eBook “Break Free from the Affair” which normally sells for $49.95 by itself. Droves of my visitors have purchased and benefited from its 7 Affair types descriptions.
Without knowing why your spouse cheated it can make it difficult to take the correct steps to reconnect and allow them to earn your trust back as well as not alienate them.
“Break Free from the Affair” also gives you that chance to decide what odds your marriage has of surviving and returning to happier days.
“Break Free from the Affair” gave me a new insight into my cheating wife and how someone could go from best friend and lover to cold distant roommate.
It took the power away from the affair that chained me to misery and allowed me to separate myself from shame and blame.
The package of all 3 levels provides more than enough tips, paradigm shifts, answers and guidance to get you started to self-heal and apply emotional bandages to yourself.
What’s Included in This Infidelity Recovery Center Module
After you click on the image link of “Break Free from the Affair” of the IRC in Level 3 here is what you see…
Break Free from the Affair eBook
Plus the Bonus eBooks
- How to Get Over It for Good
- The Cheating Spouse Guide
- Keep Your Marriage
And the Facebook Support Group Link
Level 4: Advanced Affair Recovery
How to Access this Membership Level
Obtain access to this module at the bottom of the IRC information page.
Click Here to redirect to the page, then scroll down to the bottom to the IRC Membership Level Chart as shown here below…
The Infidelity Recovery Center Level 3 module provided a solid foundation for affair self-recovery and a legitimate opportunity to save your marriage too.
But Level 4 provides the most complete module and best value of all the modules, in my opinion.
I wish this option had been available when I purchased Break Free from the Affair and Save a Marriage. It would have given me more advice, answers and reassurance in a shorter amount of time.
Each Level of the Infidelity Recovery Center provides plenty of instant, self-help resources to stop the pain and recover. But the higher the level the faster you can recover.
The Level 4 Advanced Affair Recovery includes the first three modules plus more than all those modules combined. It’s overwhelming to discuss the pure quantity of resources that this level offers.
So where do I start?
Let’s being with the two modules that stand out to me personally that I know will help you self-heal without needing personal coaching.
Intensive Study of Break Free from the Affair’s 7 Types of Affairs
The 7 Types of Affairs Modules take a more intensive look at Break Free from the Affair and provide you a more hand-on study of each affair type and action plan to recovery.
Each module includes PDFs and videos.
The second Infidelity Recovery Center Level 4 module that stands out to me is the one that contains the Real-time Coaching Audios.
Listen to Live Coaching Calls. Would you ask the same questions? Can you relate to Dr. Huizenga’s clients’ situations?
With these audios you listen in on 17 different personal coaching calls with Dr. Huizenga’s clients. Scan through the names of the audios below. Dr. Huizenga’s advice in either his personal coaching calls or Q & A session videos seems more applicable to real-life situations than the PDFs.
These video alone normally sell for $70
The same questions that the people ask are the same ones you would ask.
One thing you will note about Dr. Huizenga is that he does not hold back. He tells you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear.
Sugar coating the advice will not help you.
And if he thought you should move on and leave your spouse, he would.
I like his realist-like advice.
Package of 9 Affair Recovery PDFs at Your Fingertips
From there Level 4 includes 6 PDF reports and 3 eBooks that normally you would have to purchase separately. Look at the titles of all these PDFs in the list below. The two I find most helpful are The First Step in Surviving Infidelity and Should I Spy?
Even if you discovered the affair a while ago, you made to start now as if you just discovered it and learn the fundamentals to rebuild your self-worth, confidence and begin to start your life over.
And after you reconcile with your spouse you may find it challenging to completely trust them. Hence, you will run into the urge to spy on them. “Should I Spy?” will help you determine if you should spy or not and how to prepare yourself emotionally for what you find out.
The eBooks by themselves sell for a combined $120.
Again, Level 3 will give you more than enough guidance to instill an instant force of energy and instill confidence. It’s more than good enough, BUT…
Level 4 is by far the best value.
After finishing Level 4 I don’t see many requiring the personal coaching of Level 5.
Although all 5 levels lay the fastest route to recovery at your feet.
What’s Included in This Infidelity Recovery Center Module
7 Types of Affairs Modules (Videos and PDFs)
- Affair #1: My Marriage Made Me Do It
- Affair #2: I Can’t Say No
- Affair #3: I Don’t Want to Say No
- Affair #4: I Fell Out of Love and Just Being in Love
- Affair #5: I Want to Get Back at Him/Her (Revenge Affair)
- Affair #6: I Need to Prove My Desirability
- Affair #7: I Want to Be Close to Someone…but Can’t Stand Intimacy
Here’s a screenshot of the Level 4 access with an expanded view of the the first module “7 Types of Affairs Module”…
17 Real-time Coaching Audios
- How Can I Compete with a 29-Year-Old Blond Bombshell?
- How Do I Pull the Plug When I Care So Much?
- Why is He with a Drama Queen?
- Meeting His/Her Needs Won’t Work with a Narcissist
- How Does He Flip the Intimacy Switch?
- How do I Get Him to Talk?
- You will NEVER Go Back to the Bliss
- Rebuilding Trust with a Husband who Needs “Juice”
- Banishing Him to the Basement Works
- Rage or Revenge Affair?
- Emotionally Battered and Bruised by a Rage Affair
- Self Esteem and Eric’s Wife’s Predator
- A Turning Point Changes Your World
- Broken Promises. Broken Spirit. Broken Body
- Overwhelm! Questions! Should I Date?
- I Want to Be Wanted: Infidelity and Breast Cancer
- Crazy Behavior Addresses Craziness
Tool Box (6 PDFs)
- Change Your Marriage Now
- Dare to Be Honest
- Appting
- Find Your Lasting Emotional Connection without Losing Your Freedom or Power
- Love 101
- How to Get Your Personal Needs Met
4 eBooks Module (these are normally sold separately)
From Discovery to Recovery
- 4 Predictable Stages on your Journey and Resources for Each Stage (PDF)
The First Steps in Surviving Infidelity
- The First Step in Surviving Infidelity: From Basketcase to Making Your Spouse Blink (PDF)
Confronting the Other Person
- The Risks and Rewards of Confronting the Other Person: A Strategy that May Shake His/Her World (PDF)
Should I Spy?
- Should I Spy? (PDF)
Check out the screenshot of the eBook download modules…
Level 5: Personal Coaching with Dr. Huizenga
How to Access this Membership Level
Obtain access to this module at the bottom of the IRC information page.
Click Here to redirect to the page, then scroll down to the bottom to the IRC membership levels chart.
Brief Description
Level 5 of the Infidelity Recovery Center provides the last drop of help you would need in combination with the entire arsenal of affair recovery resources that the first four levels provide.
With the final level you get four sessions of 30 minutes with Dr. Huizenga himself either on the phone or via Skype (or some type of video call).
I think the other levels will suffice, but if you want the shortest, quickest road to recovery then this is it.
But you should review the majority of the resources from the first four levels before utilizing the personal coaching sessions.
If you want personalized advice customized to your situation then there’s no better method than one-on-one coaching. You can bet you will find the advice helpful as Dr. H’s reputation is one the line.
He does not receive guaranteed insurance payouts. He has chosen since the beginning to charge out-of-pocket to assure the best service possible or he risks losing his coaching practice.
What I Like About Dr. Huizenga’s Infidelity Recovery Center
If you seek instant, emergency help that you can access immediately then there’s no better source of resources than the Infidelity Recovery Center.
It is the most complete infidelity first aid kit (no pun intended since that’s the name of my own site).
And it works for all learning styles, reading, listening and watching.
Within seconds you will have access to PDF reports, eBooks, videos and audios.
Listen to the audios (or videos) in your car on the way to work to provide you an emotional boost or read the eBooks or other PDFs while on a break.
Your Questions Answered
All of us who have experienced the shocking horror of discovering your spouse’s affair (in my case three times) ask themselves questions about the affair and what action to take.
No question gets asked more than, “Should I stay or should I go?”
The 7 Types of Affair modules in the 4th Level of the Infidelity Recovery Center along with the eBook “Break Free from the Affair” help you find the answer.
All the Q & A recorded sessions included in the various levels will quench your anxiety by providing many of the other questions that bother you.
Ways to Improve the IRC
Of course, no product is perfect. And this case the Infidelity Recovery Center is no exception. While I didn’t find any major flaws, I did come across a few things that I would have liked to add if I had a say in it.
I don’t even know how practical or even possible these ideas are, but I know how it feels to go through an affair; therefore, I know what I would like to have.
My Update Suggestions for the Infidelity Recovery Center
Massive Compiled List of Questions and Answers
The questions would come from Dr. Huizenga’s newsletter subscribers and clients with his Answers (or from a panel of other therapists). The questions would be based on experiences of their clients or anyone who they have had contact. The list would not be a PDF like the one included in Level 1, rather a webpage which would also include a search box query to type in a question.
- Sample question: What are some of the things your clients have told or done to their cheating spouses within the first week of D-Day (even if not the initial discovery) that made them fear continuing on with their affair? What action did the cheating spouse immediately start taking? What behavior changed?
Compilation of Client Success Stories
The story would start, of course, with the client detailing the affair and then lead to their interactions with Dr. Huizenga and what he suggested. Then the events that transpired through the course of the therapy and recovery.
Not all the success stories would result in the marriage surviving. Instead a portion of the stories would include those who found peace by separating and moving on. This creates a win-win scenario for all of us who go through affairs. Even in cases where the cheating spouse wants to save the marriage, but the hurt spouse decides that their life would be better without them.
How to Handle Kids and Family eBook
Many people who email me struggle with decisions related to how to properly care for their kids during the aftermath of an affair. I would like to see any kind of resource, perhaps an eBook or video, that purely focuses on this subject.
How many couples decide to stay together solely for their kids’ sake? Is that a good idea and under what circumstances?
My Top 5 Most Useful Modules of the Infidelity Recovery Center Levels 1-4 (in Order)
Here I offer my opinion of the most useful modules (or submodules) in order with a brief description of what I like about them. Go back and review my input of the modules in my “Sneak Peek” section above.
1. Real-time Coaching Session Audios (Level 4)
As Dr. Huizenga’s clients open up and share intimate details of the affair you cannot help, but feel like you live in their shoes. The feelings are raw and alive and you quickly realize how serious the epidemic of cheating actually is these days. The greatest benefit of listening to these audios is that you will not feel alone in the battle of recovery.
2. Q & A Sessions (Audios and Videos of Free Level 1)
Live-recorded webinars with real people, asking real-life questions with details from real-life stories. I completely relate to the participant’s situations and feelings and so will you.
3. 7 Types of Affairs Sub-Modules (Level 4)
First, I recommend you read Break Free from the Affair, otherwise, these modules will make little sense. Then dive into the ones that fit your situation and dissect how to best subdue your pain and simultaneously learn strategies to reconnect with your spouse.
4. The 4 eBooks Included (Levels 3 and 4)
Great for reading while on a break from work or sitting in the bathroom. These eBooks will extinguish a lot of the anxiety that stresses you out about your future. The paradigm shifts and action tips will help you manage today’s worries while setting up hope from a brighter future.
5. PDFs #7 and #8 of the Boot Camp (Level 2)
These PDFs came from an eBook that currently Dr. Huizenga did not include in the IRC “Save Your Marriage: 3 Easy Love Laws”. I credit these mindshifts, as Dr. H calls them, to injecting confidence and power back into heart. They are the number resource I credit from the launch of my self-recovery from my ex’s affair.
I may update this review to improve the ease-of-reading and more inside sneak peeks.
I hope the current version provided you with enough information to help you decide to purchase advanced levels to speed up your affair recovery and help you survive infidelity en route to a brighter future.
Yes, I Want Free Level 1 Membership Access
Click Here to start your FREE Infidelity Recovery Center Membership or upgrade to Levels 2-5
[…] Instead if your marriage or relationship experienced an affair then I recommend that you read my Review of Dr. Huizenga’s Infidelity Recovery Center. […]