Every day you leave the house unprepared to meet your next boyfriend in multiple real life situations at Whole Foods Market, Starbucks, while walking your dog in the park, riding the subway, or even during your lunch break.
You notice some men, but miss a heap of others.
The nights seem lonelier at each passing week and you hope to end the long-lasting single life as soon as possible.
“Will I finally go out to dinner with a man who likes me for who I am? I want a man to trade romantic texts back and forth with late at night and fall asleep with my phone in hand.”
But none of this won’t happen as long as you don’t give men a reason to approach you in everyday real life situations.
Your next boyfriend could appear anywhere.
And while you CANNOT control which guys you meet will share the compatibility traits needed to truly gel as a couple you CAN, however, control the quantity of men you meet.
Within that pool of men you encounter and engage in conversation with your next boyfriend will reveal himself.
BUT… not if you appear unapproachable.
Free Dating Coach Advice How to Start Attracting (the RIGHT Men) to You…
…and How to Meet Your Next Boyfriend

Download free guide to end your single life and FINALLY meet your next boyfriend.
If you’d like to acquire some strategies and techniques to meet men in real life situations anywhere you go then I invite you to grab your own copy of my friend and dating coach Camille’s free limited time, 58-page guide “Dating Detox App: the Ultimate Guide to Getting a Date without Going Online”.
Copy the same friendly ice-breaking scripts she used to finally break free from her shyness around guys to getting asked out on hundreds of dates by good men while going about her daily routines.
She even reveals the everyday places she effortlessly meets them.
She’s considered charging $47 for it (which I have recommended she do), but right now it’s free to download.
==>[Click here] to redirect to her download page.
FIRST if you’d like to stop wasting missed opportunities to meet high quality, relationship-minded men and possibly your next boyfriend scan over this list of…
10 Subtle Ways You Keep Missing Out on Meeting Good Men and Even Your Next Boyfriend
… at the coffee shop, park, Italian cafe, super market, subway, job, concert, ball game…
1. *Self-Defeating, Closed-Minded Thinking
Good men are everywhere. But you only notice some of them. Instead you leave the house with a self-defeatist attitude that you won’t meet anyone. And because of this you don’t look open to talk or meet any of them. The women you get tired of watching stealing all the men ALWAYS have their “man radar” up and fully functioning. AND they learned how to get their attention and invite them into conversations.
2. Head Phones and Talking on Phone
Instead of looking around your surroundings with an adorable and inviting smile you get lost in your thoughts, music and a text conversation with your friend. You missed the handsome guy a couple of tables over at the coffee shop who has attempted to lock eye contact with you for the past 30 minutes.
3. Travelling in Groups (men do not approach groups of women unless with other men BUT…)
You often travel in packs of friends, or at least a small group. This will intimidate single guys by themselves. Going places with friends is fine for meeting men when going to a special event, party or local classy bar, but not to Whole Foods, the gym, any special interest class, Starbucks or other places single guys tend to show up by themselves. Everyday places are hot beds for meeting single men if you give them a reason to approach you.
4. Lack of Eye Contact
If you don’t make eye contact men will not know that you give them the green light to proceed. And by eye contact I mean for at least two seconds.
5. Too Afraid to Say “Hello” or Smile
Along with solid eye contact you should acknowledge a man’s presence and break the tension even further by saying “hello” and offer a smile that says, “I like you and want to talk to you.” But instead you continue to NOT look around when you sit or walk and the few times you do unintentionally peek you quickly break eye contact or serve up a fake, uninterested-weak smirk.
6. Poker Face, Bored Face, Angry Face
Us guys gauge your openness and excitement level to either meet new people or just to even engage in conversation based on your facial expressions. If you look perturbed without any interest to do either one then the chances of us approaching you dwindle to next to nothing.
7. Rushing and Looking Too Busy (body language and moving too fast to get somewhere)
Confidence is sexy. Women dressed for success who look like they have important things going on for them are sexy. BUT if you are in a rush to get to your next destination we may fear getting in your way. And even when we take a chance and still attempt to speak with you when you look like you’re in a hurry, how ready would you be to stop and speak for a moment? You have missed out on many opportunities to engage in conversation with a man just because you look too busy.
8. Boring, Normal Outfit, No Accessories to Induce a Comment (not ready to meet people)
One of the easiest, risk-free conversation starters for us guys is to comment on your outfit, especially if you wear something unique to your personality (think unique accessories, shoes, hats, jackets, purses, t-shirts, badges, patches, etc.). Reveal something unique about yourself that we can ask you about. Leave the house with a plan.
9. Uninviting Body Language
Crossed arms, pointing away from people towards the wall, head down, crouched shoulders are examples of body language that says you do NOT want to talk. Give us a reason to approach you, not run away.
10. Conversation-Killing Responses to His Openers
FINALLY, despite your reasons to scare us away we still push through and attempt to talk to you anyway. We toss out a compliment of your unique necklace locket, make a comment about your cool laptop sticker or even ask for you to recommend your favorite local coffee shop.
BUT you offer a three-word answer then go back to what you were doing (despite your interest in continuing the conversation). As a result you miss out on a possible date, miss the cue that we like you and instead you crumble in nervousness and shut down our effort to satisfy our genuine curiosity to learn more about you.
The Bottom Line Is You (Won’t Meet Good Men) … or your next boyfriend if…
… you don’t enjoy it.
And you won’t enjoy it unless you make starting conversations with them an easy, not-scary thing to do.
==>Start Meeting Men in Real-Life Situations TODAY with (No Risk of Rejection)
Download Camille’s Free Guide, Audio and Cheat Sheet
“Yes, I Want to Check Out Camille’s Tips!”
Click here to download the guide on Camille’s page.