Micro-Cheating Signs: Is your partner flirting or being friendly?

Micro cheating has crept into your everyday life and you didn’t even see it sneak in through the back door. You suspect that your partner is getting a little too close to someone other than you, but you don’t want to jump to conclusions.

Is he/she flirting or are you just worrying? You feel stuck in the middle. If you accuse your partner of cheating or even flirting you risk sounding insecure. Say nothing and you risk ignoring a potential problem that could turn into something you feared from the beginning.

Should you worry? Let’s first look at what micro-cheating is.

What is micro-cheating?

Micro cheating involves small behaviors that suggest your partner is emotionally or could physically get involved with someone outside your relationship. It is the latest infidelity trend mostly due to social media and you shouldn’t ignore it.

It can be anything starting from lying about the relationship status, texting their past lover, talking to them on social media or simply texting someone without the knowledge of your partner.

If your partner seems too busy on their computer or smartphone, you might be a victim of micro-cheating.

Find Your Micro-Cheating Partner’s Secret Social Media Accounts, Emails, or Phone Lines

Maybe they communicate in secret with hidden social media accounts or have a second phone line.

They don’t think it’s cheating. To them, it’s just talking with a friend.

But they also don’t want you to know about these private lines of communication because they realize how upset you’d get.

But how will you know about their suspicious activities if they don’t tell you?

Run a background check to see if you can find out if they’re micro-cheating on you via secret social media accounts or phone lines.

(Just be prepared to handle the truth. I ran a background check on myself and was shocked how much info is out there).

View texts, emails, social media activity with spyware. [Click here]  for more info on mSpy.  (Know your local laws. You must own the phone you install spyware on).

Is it really a form of cheating?

If it is not a form of cheating in your eyes, it is definitely a cause for concern because micro cheating runs the risk of turning into an affair anytime.

Some relationship experts say that micro-cheating is not really considered cheating until some event takes place. If emotional or physical attachment takes place, then this could lead to something serious. It can create a barrier between you and your partner.

If you catch your partner micro-cheating, explain to them how it’s hurting your relationship and fix the problem before it becomes a deal-breaker to remain together.

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[Watch Slide Show] Signs of Cheating: Does Your Partner Do This…

Slide Show: Signs of Cheating: What to Look For and Where by InfidelityFirstAidKit.com ©

Signs Micro Cheating Is Happening to You

Micro Cheating Signs - Is Flirting Cheating?

Micro cheating is becoming more common than ever. All it takes is a phone and a computer to start a relationship with someone, or to re-start one.

If you and your partner don’t discuss what is appropriate and what is not, then you are putting yourself at risk. If your partner’s behavior with you has changed, don’t ignore it.

Here are some signs that indicate micro-cheating may be happening in your relationship:

1. They are quite protective of their phone

Is your partner too possessive about their phone? When they are with you, instead of focusing on you, they are constantly checking their phone? When they have to use the bathroom, they take their phone with them and stay there for longer than usual? Does the phone have a code on it and even you don’t know what that code is? These signs indicate something is wrong.

2. They are smiling or laughing at their phone often

If your partner seems to be having a lot of moments on their phone with someone else and it is making them smile or laugh, you better watch out. When you are with your partner, you should be at the forefront of their mind and you shouldn’t be competing with someone on their phone.

3. When you find your partner on a dating app

Why would your partner want to be on a dating app when they are already in a relationship with you? The moment they went into a relationship with you, they should have deactivated their profile. Even if they didn’t, they should not have a recent last active.

4. Your female friends say he is flirty when he talks to them

When it is getting really awkward to hear from your female friends that your boyfriend or S.O. tries to flirt every time they talk. It shows your guy isn’t serious about you.

5. His/Her friends never knew you guys were dating

If the guy is in a relationship with you for a while and he hasn’t still told his friends about it, things are not good. That means he does not want anyone to know he is committed to someone.

6. He has become the worst at texting you back

Whenever you text him, he takes ages to reply but when you are together, you see him glued to his phone texting someone like a bored teenager on a Sunday. Why would he want to be with someone else when you are with him and he once said you are the most amazing person on his planet?

7. Instagram and Facebook account likes from admirers

There are plenty of guys and girls who would do some low-key flirting with you on social media. But it means something else when your partner is actually responding to them with wink faces and flirty comments.

8. They have been talking to their ex

Has your partner frequently started mentioning their Ex? It is one of the signs to catch a cheating spouse. Check their emails, phone or social media account to see if they have started talking to their ex. There are some people who remain friends with the exes even when they are in a new relationship.

It is ok only if your partner tells you before taking your relationship with them further. If they have been hiding about this, then you need to start getting worried.

9. He/She brings up someone else’s name a lot

It appears that someone else is on their mind a lot. So much so that your partner mentions their name often in conversation with you or with other people around you. They even laugh and smile when talking about them. It seems they admire them quite a bit.

*NEW* Take Micro Cheating Poll

Suspect a Cheating Partner?

(Download These 2 eBooks)

Catch a Cheating Partner eBooks

[Click here] for more info

One reliable way to catch a cheater, if you suspect something suspicious, as I’ve mentioned, is to conduct a background check.

With a background check, you can uncover personal information, secret social media accounts, online activity, photos of your spouse or partner with other men or women, and other incriminating evidence that could reveal a second life.

Truthfinder is one of the leaders in the industry in conducting background checks. I gave it a test run myself to see what information they could gather about me and it shocked me how deep they could dig.

I admit some of it was outdated or just incorrect, but much of it matched.

[Click here] to run a background check with Truthfinder on your partner. Just warning you though, prepare yourself for the worst.

[Here is how you can confront your partner…]

So let’s say you have noticed 2 or more of the signs of micro-cheating in your partner. What should you do next? Should this be a deal-breaker? That depends on you actually. If it is making you uncomfortable or insecure perhaps it’s best to leave but what if you are married and you catch a cheating spouse?

Simply ending the relationship is not the right approach and sometimes, it is not even easy. The only way about it is to talk to your partner. Here are some tips that may help:


Tell them what’s on your mind. If they didn’t realize its turning into micro-cheating, they won’t hesitate to limit if not cut the contact. If they get defensive on bringing this topic up, they are guilty of something.

Monitor closely

You can use an app like mSpy to catch a cheating spouse and unleash the mystery behind it. mSpy lets you monitor the text messages, phone logs, locations, and even social media activity of another phone.

If your partner is micro-cheating or now it has turned into macro, this app to catch a cheating spouse will reveal it all.

[*Legal Notice: Be mindful of the laws in your area regarding using phone spyware. Infringing upon your partner’s privacy may indeed get you the answers you seek, but your partner could take legal action against you if it breaks your local laws.]

[Read My Review of 007 Spy Gadgets to Catch Your Cheating Spouse]

Keep no secrets

If you are experiencing some frustration in your relationship, before telling your friends about it, talk to your partner. This can solve so many problems.

Be a good listener

It is not just communication that is important. You have to listen and understand your partner too. If your partner feels unheard, they might start getting emotionally attached to someone else.

The future of your relationship lies in your hands and in the hands of your partner. If there is a problem, identify it and fix it.

What if you were micro-cheating?

It is not just your partner, there are chances you have been micro-cheating too and never realized it. Here is a quick way to tell it. If you get a weird feeling about how you interact with someone and hope your partner doesn’t question it, you should pause and re-evaluate your relationship. It may mean you are not happy in your current relationship.

Being in a relationship does not mean that you worship your partner. It is ok to have close friends of every gender and you have no obligation of telling your partner every aspect of your every friendship. It is totally normal to tell your friends things you haven’t told your partner but becoming emotionally involved to a point where you have to hide things is not healthy.

Meet Guest Blogger

Anthony, a 27-year-old blogger from LA., contributes this post. He started writing from a very young age and most of his skills and knowledge are self-taught. He moved into a digital medium while doing digital content training. Now, he shares his knowledge by contributing to different forums and platforms.

[Watch] Slide Show: Signs of Cheating

Do you think your partner is micro-cheating on you? How?

  1. […] And if you’d like to discover WHO they’re cheating with, check out how here. Or find out how to decode their strange micro cheating behavior here. […]

  2. […] Or find out how to decode their strange micro cheating behavior here. […]

  3. […] Or find out how to decode their strange micro-cheating behavior here. […]

  4. […] Or find out how to decode their strange micro cheating behavior here. […]

  5. Digital connectivity has it’s downside, it makes cheating very accessible.

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