Romantic love text messages can create sparks and rekindle any lost romance fast.
However, not all sweet romantic love text messages will emotionally connect with your man.
The good news is that you can learn and apply strategy that draws him closer to you that will yield these huge benefits from him:
- Respect
- Attention to details to what matters most to you
- Compliments
- Gifts
- Acts of Kindness
- Sex
…and more!
You’ll discover that it’s part trial and error, part his mood and part understanding his emotional needs in a relationship.
This last part is where I feel a lot of girlfriends, wives and ladies who are dating guys need some brushing up on.
But if you spend more time BOTH understanding his relationship needs AND THEN using that knowledge to strategically send him romantic love text messages then…
…you will be able to train him to LEARN what YOU NEED!
So, as men, we TOO want to connect with you on a deeper emotional level.
Because we want to know that you like us for WHO we are NOT WHAT we are.
And if you like us for WHO we are as people, then we know that you truly do LOVE us and will NOT need any other man.
Personally, my girlfriend over this current pandemic and lockdown has made me feel like the most important man on the planet and, well, I admit that it has melted my heart.
Her secret?
Besides just sacrificing her precious time to travel 30 miles to visit me, giving me company while I’m all alone and even getting me some groceries (I was furloughed)…
…she sends me irresistible romantic love text messages like the ones taught here to make me fall in love with her (Text Chemistry by Amy North)
I can’t resist, believe me, I’ve tried, but I honestly feel like the sexiest, the most fun, unique man to her on the face of the earth.
She wins!
You can start to master these skills with this free text messaging bundle.
Understanding Men on a Deeper Level
==>[Click here to jump to list of 10 Sweet Romantic Love Texts.]
One of the keys to connect with us is to understand and acknowledge the challenges that we face as men in relationships.
(Yes, we have them too).
This will demonstrate to us that you care about our feelings and want to form a partnership with us.
There is a reason that men become evasive and elusive in relationships.
We often feel in over our heads.
As men we feel the pressure of having to prove what they can offer a woman will be good enough to her.
How can we help provide and protect more than the next guy? This becomes a lot of pressure to handle.
In doing so we can lose sight of our own needs.
So, instead we pretend to look emotionally invincible to keep you around and not scare you off.
It’s easy for us to fall into the trap of feeling inadequate.
Therefore, the safest way to keep you around is to hide our feelings.
For the women who understand our real, everyday emotional concerns and needs…
… it becomes easier to know how to speak right to our hearts.
And thus, send powerful and sweet romantic love text messages (more often) that soften him up and get those butterflies fluttering around his stomach.
Men’s 3 Principle Relationship Needs: What We Need to Feel Connected and Like a “Team”
I won’t go into too much detail in this article but I do in my eBook “Next Level Connection: How to Develop Deep Emotional Connection with Your Man”.
But I will, however, touch on each of the three principle needs we seek with women to feel like she’s someone we bond with.
When we look for “The One”, it’s the women who tend to understand and practice these three principles.
And in this article, I’ll share with you the romantic love text messages that apply these principles to emotionally draw him in closer to you…
…No matter what stage of a relationship you’re in.
The Best Time to Send Sweet Romantic Text Messages
Sometimes the best time to connect with your boyfriend or husband (or even a man you’re dating) is when you’re apart.
That’s what makes romantic love text messages (or any kind- including kinky and sexy text messages) so effective.
So, in the first principle, we want to feel that we are your man and that what we offer you is sufficient.
Make him feel that what he brings to your life is good enough– that he makes your life better and more enjoyable.
Your texts need to express your appreciation and affection. Learn to master texts that comply to Men’s Relationship Needs Principle #1: Feel Good Enough for His Woman from my subscriber-exclusive eBook “Next Level Connection: How to Develop Deep Emotional Connection with Your Man”.
Romantic Love Text Messages that Express Appreciation and Make Him Feel Good Enough
He wants you to notice that he WANTS to please you.
Again, he wants to feel good enough to you.
Reward him for the things he does that make him feel like your man by focusing on those qualities that make him feel good enough for you.
If you can effectively express your appreciation for these qualities then he will feel emotionally connected to you because you understand him.
We want to feel uniquely connected to our women so that they do not feel a need to find another man AND at the same time feel appreciated by her.
And one of the ways you do that is to prove to him that you identify his uniqueness and that NO OTHER MAN can make you happier.
The right kind of texts that reveal your appreciation of him will set him in motion to feel strong emotional attachment to you.
Here are some example sweet romantic text messages (in conversation sequences):
Start with something like, “I was thinking about something that you do. And now I can’t stop smiling… :)”
(He asks what it is).
1.”I love how thoughtful you are and how well you know me. You always know the perfect gift to get me. Thank you.”
2.”You’re such a hard-worker. You act so selflessly to provide for your family.”
3.”I appreciate how you’re such a good listener. Despite how long your day was you still ask me what I did and how I feel.”
4. “I love how much fun you are. I can’t wait for this Saturday when you take me to (the place you’re going).”
These romantic love text messages may not seem sexy because they are not meant to be, but they play a key role in expressing how important we are to you.
Each time you show appreciation it adds up and draws him closer to you because he can see that he does not need to hide his feelings.
Why not?
Because you understand him and like him for who he is.
He feels comfortable being himself around you and does not have to deviate away from his natural self to impress you.
Simply put.
You show acceptance of who he is and that who he is makes you happy and is Good Enough for you
That’s what makes these text messages romantic.
It makes him feel closer to you.
Now we will look at the romantic love text messages that comply to my Men’s Relationship Needs Principle #2: Support to Chase His Dreams.

Romantic Love Text Messages that Show Your Support for His Ambitious Side
A relationship with a woman who makes us feel like we are the only man she needs will make our lives much more enjoyable.
… a relationship by itself will not quench our thirst to chase our goals and dreams.
Too many times we’ve fallen for a woman who can turn us on in the beginning just to find out later that she wants to change us and mold us into the man she needs.
This includes her attempts to stray us away from our ambitions.
For a relationship to work out in the long run AND TO KEEP WORKING OUT, we need a supportive woman who becomes our biggest fan.
Cheer Him Up with these Sweet Romantic Text Messages:
These text messages will demonstrate to us that you cheer us on to achieve success in our career and challenging endeavors.
Start with something like, “Honey, I hope I caught you at a good time.”
(He might say that he is busy but he’ll be so curious to know what you have to say.)
“Well, I just have got you on my mind right now. Do you know what I really admire about you?”
(He’ll ask what).
5. “… How you never stop dreaming. You see life as adventure. I admire your big vision for your career.”
6. “… How cool under pressure you are. You keep your composure and just get the job done.”
7. “… How passionate you are when you do something that you really like. I am attracted to your energy and desire to enjoy your life.”
Romantic text messages do not have to be sensual, but we will look at some of those next.
The main goal is to help him feel emotionally connected to you.
And you do this by understanding what he needs from you.
Now let’s look at the kinds of messages that can help get a relationship stuck in boring routine back on track.
Romantic Love Text Messages to Rekindle Romance
[*Question]: Do you like my flirty text advice? Then please check out my top-selling eBook for sale “The Text Goddess Scroll: Irresistible Copy-and-Paste Text Messages and Scripts to Make Him Chase You”, plus included bonuses!
This time I will not touch on the third and final principle (respect), but instead share some texts that get butterflies flapping around in his stomach.
After you finish this section make sure you check out my other newest text message post, 10 Kinky and Cute Text Messages to Make Him Chase
Start with, “Do you know a moment together I’ll never forget?”
Or “Do you know one of the things I miss most…?”
(He asks, “What?”)
8. “That time you called out for work and we jumped in the car and drove to the beach. I love when you’re spontaneous.”
9. “Getting flowers from you. I miss that. You really know how to make me feel special. You never brought the same ones twice.”
10. “The first time we went to the movies together. Haha. I don’t actually remember watching the movie because …. well… you know. We were a little distracted.”
Rekindle the romance by reminiscing about those romantic moments together.
[*Please Note: Do not use these during or after an argument. Only use romantic love text messages that rekindle loving feelings for one another if things have gone stale or you both are just busy with regular daily responsibilities.]
But check out a few more before you check out my other posts…
Get Him to DESIRE You with this sweet romantic text message…
Bonus Romantic Love Text Messages to Emotionally Connect with Him
“How we’d wake up in the middle of the night and just make love. Then go back to bed. I miss that.”
“How I’d whisper naughty, little secrets in your ear after you fell asleep on the couch. Then you’d smile as you woke up and we’d run to the bedroom to make passionate, sweaty sex.” (sorry this one is wordy)
“How you’d leave me love letters on my windshield”
Summary of Romantic Love Text Messages
You wants funny?
Ok, not funny but ironic and interesting?
I am applying RIGHT NOW EVERYTHING I have taught you here in this post with my girlfriend and…
…she is eating it up.
Right now, literally, this second while I write this, she is spending time apart from me in another city with her friend and I am sending her romantic love text messages.
So, they work in both directions.
Women to men.
Men to women.
BUT PLEASE pay close attention to the principles I have outlined for you in this post regarding what we men need to feel closer to you in relationships.
You want to feel like HIS only “one” and him to feel like YOUR only “one”.
If you’d like to take advantage of more of my secret texting tricks to hook your man then download your…
FREE Copy of My eBook “5 Secret Text Tricks to Grab His Attention and Get a Response”
Which also automatically sends you my strategic email series “3 Texting Mistakes You Make (that Disconnects Him from You) and How to Fix Them”
“Like What You’ve Read Here About Sweet Romantic Love Text Messages?“
Check out more of my popular Text Message posts on InfidelityFirstAidKit.com