Digital cheating has gotten out of control in the modern era. I know firsthand because it's how my ex-cheating wife communicated with her long-distance lover. ...
How could it be possible that good people have affairs? I'd thought about this topic for many years before accidentally coming across Mira Kirshenbaum's ...
There are many types of cheating. People cheat for different reasons or in all kinds of different ways. The types of cheating in this post are not the ...
Will your marriage survive? What rebuilding broken trust steps can you follow to undo your choice to cheat? I'd bet since you clicked through from the ...
"Will I survive the affair? Can I end this misery?" You’ve probably all asked yourselves this, haven't you? I’ve been there. I wondered how I would ...
To set a trap in order to catch our cheating spouses in their lies we must first understand our objectives. Our goal is first to identify red flags of behavior ...
Does true love exist? Despite your husband’s (or wife's) emotional affair, can you repair your relationship? Does true love exist? Can you repair your ...
Your cheating spouse is a pro at hiding evidence. He (or she) found a way to live a second life right under your nose and you never saw it coming. ...