The only reason you should run a Truthfinder background check (or any kind) on people you meet in online dating is for safety; physically, emotionally and financially.
With the rise of catfishing it just makes sense to be careful, especially during the current global lockdown due to COVID-19 while more people are online than ever before.
But please do not get maniacal and run background checks on every person you meet.
Because if you’re looking for something wrong somehow magically your mind will find it and you don’t need to find drama where there isn’t any.
So, if something feels off, then do some detective work.
However, even if you don’t find the evidence your looking for just patterns of strange behavior alone should raise a big enough red flag to cut off all contact.
Be open-minded, but protect your heart.
Don’t fall in love for the sake of falling in love and end up being taken advantage of like what happened to one of my exes.
It’s scary and I’ll tell you about it in this blog post.
Before you run a background check, consider looking for some of the following information for free on your own with just the help of Google.
And if something feels off feel free to contact me to give you my opinion.
I’ve dealt with cheating from all angles and other subscribers have shared their experience with cheating.
Everything is confidential and please do not share names with me, I don’t need to know.
10 Reasons to Run a Truthfinder Background Check on Your Online Dates

1. Felonies, Misdemeanors, Sex Crimes
Nothing’s more important than keeping safe.
While I don’t want you to get paranoid but it does make sense to do a little detective work, right?
People make bad choices and that’s why you’re here reading this.
I just don’t want you to make the bad choice.
Can we agree that certain crimes are inexcusable and that you shouldn’t take the chance on someone who could physically harm you?
- Domestic violence
- Assault
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Grand theft
- Murder (duh!)
- Identity theft
- And all and any sex crimes.
These are NON-negotiables.
And please do not fall for sob stories.
Truthfinder can help you run a background check to find out if your online date has committed any of these.
Just make sure you have his/her full name or use the reverse phone look up.
And again, having their personal phone number is also a non-negotiable before meeting up in person.
If they do not want to give it to you than no matter what their sob story is do you really think it’s worth the risk?
No, neither do I?
2. Fake Name
If you found out their name is not really their name would you freak out a little?
You should.
Why would they give you a false name?
What else are they hiding from you?
Unfortunately, without some other kind of real contact information such as phone number or address it will be difficult to know the truth.
You just might have to get a little creative and do some detective work such as search for their place of employment in social media (like Facebook or LinkedIn) and look for names of people who currently work there.
Then check for pics of your guy/girl on these people’s social media accounts to find out if their name is tagged on the photos.
A Truthfinder background check will only help you CONFIRM their name if you have a correct address or phone number.
You could get creative to get their address (work or personal) by requesting to send them a small gift.
And if they weasel their way out of giving you that then this could give you reason to suspect something is up.
So, even if you can find out what part of town they live in and search for that address online it should bring up their name.
A county property appraisal site could find that as well or run a Truthfinder background check to make it easy.
This is where the next technique can come in handy.
3. Current Photos
You should have plenty of incentive to find photos of your possible online date:
- Are they who they say they are?
- Did they give me their correct age?
- Do they look the same as they describe?
And he/she has possible incentive to hide what they look like:
- Weight gain
- Baldness
- Grey hair
- Wrinkles
- Plastic surgeries gone wrong
Why would someone want to hide what they look like when they plan to meet up with you anyway?
They hope to win you over once you meet in-person.
How can you make sure the pics they send you or allow you to see are current?
Run an image search with a search engine.
Just right-click on the image search for it in Google.
Cross-reference the pics that you find match with the most current ones on their social media accounts which should include dates.
Look for their pics in their friends, co-workers and relative’s social media accounts.
Run a Truthfinder background check to search through their Possible Relatives section.
This will help you locate family member’s names who you don’t know which gives you more possibility of cross-referencing for current photos.
Or run a background check to search through Truthfinder’s Possible Photos section.
A Truthfinder background check report crawls all possible social media accounts via their name or any known emails and assembles all possible photos at the beginning of the report.
Photos also tell another important story about fake names.
If the pics you have show up all over the internet it’s possible that it’s a stock photo like the ones used in ads or in blogs. Finding the same pic available for download on stock photo sites reveals that he/she is lying about their identity.
Check Out these Related Posts
- 7 Secrets to Catch a Cheating Spouse/Partner
- 7 Cheating Spouse/Partner Secrets to Hide Evidence
- 10 MORE Ways to Catch a Cheating Spouse/Partner like a Spy
- 4 Types of Cheating in Relationships
4. Hidden Social Media Accounts
What if you knew that the guy or woman you met on a dating app had hidden social media accounts?
And by hidden, I mean that they blocked you from viewing them.
So, they are hidden social media accounts from the people that they do not want to see.
Why would they hide social media accounts from you?
Because they don’t want you to see the pics, “About info” and their friends.
Why not?
They could be married, in a relationship, show where they work, show flirty posts with other people they are seeing, etc.
Conducting a Google image search on any known photos could bring up similar pics of them from these hidden social media accounts.
Don’t find enough of their photos?
Then consider running a Truthfinder image search to reveal the photos you cannot find that are attached to their email address or Possible Relatives.
5. Fake or Hidden Dating Profiles
Don’t get scammed by frauds or players.
Does their dating profile look legit with full-body photos, action pics, pics with friends or family?
Can you cross-reference their friends and relatives’ pics on social media to check their legitimacy?
Do they ask strange questions or make strange requests?
Hidden dating profiles could mostly likely mean that they already are in a committed relationship and don’t want you to know.
Or that they use different profiles to meet people online.
Fake dating profiles could mean the same or that they are catfishing and possibly look to scam you.
This is another way Truthfinder can help with its Possible Photos section on your background check report.
Truthfinder will look for any dating profiles linked to their email.
This is another good reason to request to email them correspondence so that you have their email.
What about emails that you don’t have of theirs?
Truthfinder will look for those as well.
It might not find them all, but any email you find could possibly uncover active dating profiles of theirs.
6. Married, GFs/BFs, Kids, Relatives and Exes
Are they married?
Cheating and you’re the “Other” person?
Do they have kids when they said that they don’t?
What about crazy exes that they don’t want you to know about?
Once again, unearthing pics online could get you the answers you seek.
Current pics of them with their spouse or girlfriend on hidden social media accounts or under their real name.
Assuming you too are an honest person, always attempt to get essential contact information that will tell you the real story about someone you meeting in online dating.
Why would they want to hide the fact that they have kids?
Why would they not want to introduce you to or tell their friends or family about you?
Because they do not want you to reach out to them to ask them questions in the case you suspect something fishy is going on.
What if you have mutual friends or acquaintances?
Then you could easily contact them and get the information you want.
That’d be a super quick way to find out if someone is lying about being married or in a committed relationship.
7. Double Life or Live Elsewhere
Do you have a Long-Distance Relationship?
Does the man or woman you met on a dating app travel for business?
Even during the current Covid-19 pandemic people still travel for work.
A person who travels a lot for business or owns businesses in more than one location could easily hide their second life…
…from both you and their family.
I can’t tell you how many times my subscribers run into this situation.
Why would you even suspect this?
One recurring situation that comes up is when someone suddenly becomes unavailable or unresponsive for long periods of time.
In the case of cheating, they are hiding you from their spouse or partner.
How can you figure out if they have double life or live somewhere else?
For one, taking the advice I’ve offered throughout this blog post so far with image searches and cross-referencing social media accounts.
My ex would claim to visit friends in NYC but a pic of her and her boyfriend having a romantic dinner popped up her Instagram account that she blocked me from.
She had a bunch of friends from NYC who she had “friended” on her social media accounts according a mutual friends of ours.
A Truthfinder background check can also reveal a Location History to reveal their whereabouts.
Where the hell are they going when they suddenly disappear?
Do they show a pattern of going to the same places?
Are these places hotels?
Or the same residential address on their “so-called business trip”?
The background check also runs Property Searches.
Do they own a house out-of-state?
Does the location search ever appear at this location?
8. Tax Liens, Bankruptcies or Evictions
Why would it matter that a person you barely know have financial problems?
I hope you’re not serious about asking that question.
It could mean that they want to take advantage of you or even in the best-case scenario not be able to take care of themselves.
Intentions don’t really matter if they ask you to spend your life savings to help them, do they?
“Oh, I wouldn’t let that happen to me,” you say?
It happens.
More frequently than you think.
One of my exes met a man online from another state with huge debt problems after he lost his business.
What did she do?
Ran up her credit cards to help fund a new business.
Then how did he repay her?
By cheating, leaving and attempting to take her house.
I know another person who gave a man she barely knew money to help cover medical bills.
Has he repaid her?
Not yet.
Running a Truthfinder background check can reveal bankruptcies, tax liens and evictions.
That alone is not a deal-breaker, people run into trouble.
But when they start lobbing sob stories on you about how unlucky they are and ask you for money, that’s when it’s time to reconsider who this person really is.
9. Lied About Age
Who really wants to admit their age once you get into your 30s?
Perhaps for you age is not a deal-breaker.
But what about if they are 10+ years older or younger than they claim?
Wouldn’t you want to know that?
And wouldn’t you want to know why they lied by such a large margin?
A simple way to check for a person’s age is to plug in their name into any search engine.
Provided you have their right name and can match it to the right address, their age should come up in this search.
If not, then check their social media accounts to see if they mentioned their high school or college graduation.
Social media pics might bring up class reunion information (for example, FB groups they joined- class of ’93).
If still nothing, then a Truthfinder background check could reveal their education history including their graduation years.
[Click here] to run a basic Truthfinder background check to see how it works.
10. Lied About Job and Income
Again, people run into trouble, that’s a part of life.
But what if they’ve been fired from several jobs.
What if they have an unsavory work history?
What if they’ve made money illegally?
Before you meet someone in-person, it makes sense to find out who they really are if things sound a little strange, shouldn’t you?
I mean how many times have you heard stories of someone exaggerating how much money they have.
At the very least, you wouldn’t want someone to dupe you into thinking they have more than they do just to simply impress you, would you?
That’s why checking out their Facebook account or LinkedIn account can reveal if what they’ve said matches up.
Of course, they probably would hide that information on social media if they didn’t want you to see it.
But here’s where a Truthfinder background check can comes to your aid again.
It can pull up job history or possible links to jobs.
They say they’re a banker, financial advisor or work in real estate but there’s no history of it.
Or it pops up with a list of jobs in a completely different industry.
Or according to the guy or woman you met on Tinder or Match.com they’ve worked in their field for the past 10 years but their work history shows a three-year gap.
Of course, this background check may not be completely accurate but if you do enough detective work you can find the truth.
Do you know that if they work in a professional field that requires you to hold a license that you can look for the record of that license on state websites?
Just Google real estate license search (name of state) and it will lead you to the correct state department website.
Then search for their name.
Legitimate Reasons to Hide Information from You
Hiding information from you doesn’t mean that the guy or gal you met on a dating app that they have mal intent.
Things happen, right?
So, don’t assume that they want to take advantage of you just because you find something through your detective work or in a background check.
Here are some examples:
- They don’t want to introduce you to their kids yet before getting to know you.
- The property they own elsewhere is rented out to tenants- they don’t live there in a double life.
- They show a gap in their work history due to an illness or a family member’s illness or he/she made money another way
- An old dating profile might be just that, an old dating profile that they forgot they have
- The same thing for social media accounts
- Or she made a duplicate account on accident and never erased it
- He says he’s divorced but he’s actually separated in the process of divorcing but he’s emotionally done with his ex and ready to find new love
PROs of a Truthfinder Background Check
The background check won’t get every single piece of information you want and, in some cases, it may take too much work or money to get what you want.
But as a reminder, I don’t want you to go ape s*** over finding this information either.
If you suspect something fishy going on, and he/she continues to act strange or display odd behavior then you probably shouldn’t pursue a relationship with that person, right?
But either way here are the PROs and CONs of a running a Truthfinder background check to determine if your online date is worth pursuing any further.
- Unlimited searches on potential dates with membership
- Provides guidance on the usefulness of each kind of search parameter
- Easy-to-use
- Finds social media accounts such as Pinterest, LinkedIn or Facebook
- Uncovers pics you might have had trouble finding on your own
- Compiles information into an organized report
- Does the heavy detective work for you
- Provides accurate and current contact information
- Offers short-term memberships, no long-term commitment
- Affordable
- Info goes back at least 15 years
CONs of a Truthfinder Background Check
- No marriage or divorce certificates.
- Without their actual phone numbers or correct name, you won’t be able to run a background check
- Cannot purchase individual reports
- If name is common expect that some information will not be 100% accurate
- Some reviews say that it’s difficult to cancel membership, but I had no issues once I got the info I needed
- Many reviews claim to have experienced below average customer service (I didn’t have issues and they offer numerous ways to contact customer service)
- Free report is very limited and does not offer much useful advice