In this post, I will share why pet names overpower us men and put our hearts in your hands.
The women who don’t fear us.
The ones who understand what makes us tick REGULARLY call us men by pet names.
Why do you want to start using them?
Imagine you could press emotional buttons that would flick on our emotional switches and make us gush and like you back.
Honestly, if you only knew the power that you possess over us men then you’d never worry again about ending up alone.
Make us feel good-looking, adored, manly or sexy … and we can’t resist.
Two guaranteed ways to emotionally own us?
Body language and touch (hey! I don’t mean that kind of touching) are two of the most powerful and fastest ways to flick on our emotional switches.
Flirty texts can overpower a man too, like the texts you can find in my free flirty text techniques bundle (get access to the bundle below):
…[Click Here] to get access to the free flirty text bundleIf you only had the courage and confidence to pull it off.
If you feel like you do have the confidence to flirt and stir up our emotional juices in our stomachs then check out my posts:
- 17 [Simple] Female Flirting Body Language [Secrets] to Attract Men
- Funny, Cheesy, Cute Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys
- Finding Mr. Right IRL (download my free 120-page eBook)
Another way, if done with confidence, is to tell us cute pet names (also referred to as terms of endearment).
Simply showing us that you find us attractive (even if you don’t come right out and say it) creates a special connection between you and the guy you tell.
Why Pet Names Turn Us On
We do not get complimented enough as guys on our physical attributes.
Compliments on good looks gets reserved for women to receive them.
However, we cannot resist the feeling of being adored especially if done softly and with grace.
A Little Secret…
ANY girl, no matter what you look like, will make a guy’s heart skip a beat when you use pet names…
… if said with confidence, without a stutter and especially with eye contact.
OMG that’s super hot!
Don’t belive us guys go for women with supreme confidence (regardless of their looks)?
Ever seen an overweight woman (what some perceive as less attractive- not me though) who always seems to have guys chasing her?
Yes? No?
Are you a confident woman who knows that she can attract a man? Check out these things confident women do to attract men without even realizing it (on Women.com)
And these pet names will create that connection you seek.
In this post, we will mostly look at a romantic connection.
However, if you seek some tips to drive men wild with flirty and sexy texts then check out my free flirty text eBooks, the Flirty Responses to His Short Boring Texts, and the Secret Dirty Text Switch.
Best Times to Use Pet Names for Guys
If he’s a guy you see regularly, at work, at the gym, at the coffee shop, at Meetup groups, on the subway…
…every time he passes you, he’ll hope that you glance at him and pay him another compliment.
Now consider that they will pack more punch when said in person, but you can send them in texts too.
In fact, if you would like more examples of flirty text messages to send a guy you like check out these posts of mine:
- Top 10 Flirty Text Messages to Make Him Chase You
- 10 Kinky and Cute Text Messages to Make Him Chase
- 10 Kinky, Sexy Text Messages to Turn Him on RIGHT NOW!
The target guys to use these pet names on are for the earlier stages of a relationship: just met and started talking, know him but want him to like you, gone on a few dates or even dated for a few weeks.
Although, if you’re in a relationship, you can still make your man feel special.
I’ll include a list of pet names that he’d expect from one of the guys and will completely TURN US OFF
(Want to TURN ON your man with flirty texts?)
*[Click Here]* to get my free text techniques bundle10 Pet Names for Guys that Get Our Attention
…(and Make Us Like You Back)
Listen, some of these are obvious.
You just need to get the confidence to use them.
These are guaranteed turn-ons.
The first list is the clear winners!
1. Hunk
If he’s a big, muscular guy than this pet name will turn him into a soft teddy bear. What guy doesn’t want a girl to think he’s strong?
2. Cutie
Definitely will get his heart pounding. In our minds a girl who calls us a pet name that compliments our looks only does so if she actually finds us attractive.
3. Gorgeous
A step up from all other pet names which compliments our looks. And especially hot because only a girl with extreme confidence would dare attempt it.
4. Handsome
ALL guys want a girl to call them handsome! Handsome is the classiest version of the pet names that compliment our looks.
Watch him melt right before your eyes. Make sure to make hold eye contact when you call him this.
5. Foxy
SUPER HOT! Cute, creative, unique (who actually has the confidence to pull this off) and clear. You are telling him that you find him attractive.
If a girl called me this, I think I’d fall over- no matter what she looked like.
6. Heart Breaker
Unique, rarely used and basically telling him that he makes your heart race. Which again makes you super-hot in his eyes.
7. Good Looking
A cuter more tame version of the other pet names that complement his looks. Still, an instant turn on and only used by confident women who know that power they possess over us men.
8. Baby
I get called this one a lot at work. It gets me every time.
I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to help a female who asks for assistance when she uses this name on me.
Could get grouped with the pet names only used by a woman acting nice, but still only said by women with confidence. Baby does not illicitly compliment our looks.
At the same time, we know that no girl would say this to a guy she does not find attractive.
9. Sexy
Another TOP NOTCH pet name that will get his head to spin. Again, when you can express the obvious pleasure you find in looking at him, his heart will skip a beat.
(Probably don’t want to use this one at work—well, unless he’s shown obvious signs of liking you back).
Acting a little naughty under circumstances with strict rules and restrictions is the ultimate turn on. (Like at work).
There’s just something that makes our makes the butterflies flap their wings harder in our stomachs when your pet names mix cute and attractive in the same package.
We sense that you want to squeeze us like a puppy and plant a million kisses on our face.
Take your pet names up a notch try ‘em in Spanish. Especially if you have Latina roots.
I speak Spanish, currently date a Latina and have dated, been married to one and have flirted with Latinas at work.
These are the ones they’ve used on me.
If you’re Gringa (not Latina) and use these on a Hispanic guy he’ll probably fall down from the excitement.
Just make sure you pronounce them right.
Google or Youtube it if you don’t know.
The literal translations take away from how they sound in English because they possess different connotations in Spanish.
But trust me.
These are good and commonly used.
Spanish Pet Names
• Cielito Lindo = basically super heavenly cute
• Cielo = heavenly cute
• Guapo = handsome
• Lindo = good looking
• Papi Chulo = one of the distinct Caribbean Spanish pet names, sort of like “hot hunk”
• Cariño = sweetheart
Pet Names Us Guys Like
(but they don’t stand out because they’re overused)
That could work, they won’t feel awkward to hear, but in the end we might think you’re just acting nice.
Again, notice the pattern they compliment our looks, manhood or express your adoration of us.
The runners up!
• Sweetie
• Honey
• Sugar
• Pumpkin
• Sweetie Pie
• Sweet Thing
• Hun
• Love
• Darling
• Stud
• Boo
• Muscles
• Sunshine
Flat Out Corny and Cheesy Pet Names for Guys
…(kind of cute, but actually kind of stupid too)
• Snookums
• Dumpling
• Pookie
Friend Zone Pet Names for Guys (that make you look like you’re one of the guys).
Why the “F” would you use these on us if you like us?
This confuses us.
Do you like us or not?
Or just lack the confidence to tell us?
• Dude
• Champ
• Mister
• Sir
• Kiddo
• Fella
• Boss
• Buddy
Summary of Cute Pet Names for Women to Use on Guys
We want compliments too!
And the girls with who understand this and have the confidence to pull it off will…
…ALWAYS have a line of guys behind them waiting their turn to get a chance at taking her out and winning her heart.
It doesn’t matter what you look like.
Daring to express your affection of guy is SUPER HOT!
Especially if done in a matter-of-fact-way that shows you don’t give an “F” if we like you back or not.
Confidence and taking a chance are two key elements of successful flirting.
And to become successful at flirting starts with becoming comfortable doing it naturally without caring what we think.
Because you know we will like it.
That’s sexy!
Honestly, if you only knew the power you possess over us men.
If you only knew what we talked about when we’re together at the bar.
(More content on the power women possess over men.
To be continued…)
What Pet Names Do You Feel Comfortable Using On Guys?
Share your favorite pet name in the comments field below.
snookums got me cackling💀💀
I’ve used handsome for decades! My go to.
Classic! Of course us men like that one.
This article actually made me blush, even as a guy. Kudos to the author!